24 - Sort of kinda (pt. 2)

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For the next two hours Stiles and I danced and laughed, and every time one of the other members of the pack looked like they were going to say something about our earlier actions, he would interlock our fingers and drag me to another area of the house. During those two hours we drank what was probably far too much, and stole kisses every time we ventured into an empty room or hallway. They weren't heated, desperate kisses, but soft exchanges of emotion that spoke volumes, something that said 'finally', without having to articulate the word.

When Scott finally managed to corner us, a wide grin spread across his face, we were sitting on the stairs, which sounds less compromising than it was. In reality, I had been sitting one step higher than Stiles, him kneeling between my legs on the step below and leaning in to me as we talked in low voices. At the exact moment that Scott walked into the scene however, my hands were gently placed on the back of Stiles' neck, whilst his found my waist, and our lips locked together - until he jokingly cleared his throat. 

Immediately, we broke apart and i dropped my hands to my lap, my eyes quickly following as my cheeks grew hot. 

"Scott?" Stiles laughed in acknowledgement, looking up at his friend as he took another sip of beer before shooting me a grin and grasping both of my hands within his own, an action i was grateful for; because even with the copious amount of alcohol travelling through my veins, and the fact that i knew whatever Stiles and i shared was far from still being a secret, the thought of any kind of confrontation or having to talk about something personal made my stomach turn, and i was sure it wasn't just the alcohol.  

The two boys in front of me seemed to share a silent conversation, beginning when Scott glanced warily in my direction. If i wasn't completely drunk, i probably would've been able to tell that he could smell my anxiety, and, i might have registered the emotions of the pair enough to roughly translate the conversation. The fact that i couldn't sense emotions whilst intoxicated hadn't occurred to me at the time, having been so wrapped up, literally and emotionally, in Stiles that i wasn't concerned with what was going on around me. After a while of me swirling around the drink in my plastic cup and getting lost within my thoughts i looked up, realising that Stiles was no longer kneeling in front of me, but had stood up.

"Come on," he chuckled at my puzzled facial expression, bending slightly, grasping my cup and placing it on the stairs next to me before winding an arm around my waist and lifting me so that i was also standing. "We're going home" My eyes widened, looking up at him as we moved through the party

"No! Stiles my brother will kill me!" I said, panicked and then laughed a little, "Stiles your dad's going to kill you! He's the Sheriff!" Stiles simply laughed at me, clearly less intoxicated than i was, 

"I know," He grinned as we reached the door, "That's why we're going to Lydia's for the night, we're all going, Scott's driving since he can't get drunk"

"Oh," I smiled, immediately calmer partially because his words reassured me that we would not both be arrested by family members for underage drinking, and partially because i'd thought about the fact that his arm was still lightly wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him. After that thought my mind began to spiral with thoughts of the previous few hours.

- flashback to earlier that night - 

"ugh what is this?" i shuddered, my face scrunching up as i swallowed the alcohol in the cup Stiles had just handed to me. He laughed loudly, taking the cup from my hand and walking a few steps to place it back on the counter.

"Okay," he said between laughs, "noted. Freya does not like whiskey." i shook my head in confirmation, letting out a giggle of my own as he almost tripped making his back over to where i leaned against the sink. He scowled jokingly, stepping in front of me  and placing his hands on either side of my body on the counter behind me. "Are you laughing at me Miss Parrish? he said, still scowling. I tried to stifle the laughter escaping my lips but failed miserably, particularly when i looked up at his face, seeing his features immediately transform into a grin. 

With his hands still firmly grasping the counter on either side of me, Stiles slowly leaned the slight distance forward, resting our faces just centimetres apart. Similarly slow, i brought my hands up to rest on his chest, a small smile making it's way to my face.

"You have no idea how long i've wanted to be able to do this for" He grinned, softly pressing our lips together for a moment

"We've kissed before Stiles," i pointed out in what was barely a whisper, his lips grazing my own as i spoke.

"It's different," he began, pulling back slightly so that he could see my face "before, i knew i liked you, and you felt something for me, but now it feels more confirmed. It feels like we're actually something." He concluded, a blush rising to his cheeks as he realised just how vulnerable he'd been. As if to reassure him that i felt the same way, i lifted one of my hands from his chest, gently placing it against his cheek so that i could pull him forward, locking our lips together again. We kissed for several moments, our lips moving together like a dance, before i pulled away, never removing my hand from the back of his neck where it had slid from his face during our lip-locking session.

"Stiles, i'm happy we're something too"

- end of flashback - 


Stiles' POV - 

I couldn't help the slight grin that rose to my lips as i glanced down at the girl beside me. Her head lightly rested on my shoulder, my own arm thrown around her shoulders, kept in place by one of Freya's delicate hands that gripped my own. Apparently, my expression did not go unnoticed by Scott, who had decided to look into the rear view mirror at the exact moment i quite drunkenly wondered how she would look in the dress i had talked Lydia out of putting her in, and decided that i made the right call, as the outfit she had arrived at the party in had already driven me crazy. 

"So," Scott began, the lightness in his voice clearly hinting at what he was about to say. "You and Freya huh?" Bingo. 

"Yeah," I found myself saying airily, suddenly thankful that Lydia was nursing a headache and would remember nothing the next morning, and that Malia had opted to walk back, fully capable of defending herself and needing the fresh air after the crowded party. 

"When did that happen?" he immediately fired back with a grin on his face, occasionally looking into the backseat through the mirror whist keeping eyes on the road. 

"Uhh, a couple of days ago? today? tonight? I don't even know" I chuckled softly, careful not to wake the sleeping girl leant against me.

"How do you not know?" he laughed incredulously

"We kissed a few times," I admitted, "and earlier today i was helping her with an art project, she needed someone to paint so i volunteered"

"I bet you did!" Scott said with a smirk

"What's that supposed to mean?" I shot back jokingly, making eye contact with him in the mirror before we both cracked a smile and i turned my gaze back to Freya.

"Just that i've never seen you like this. With Lydia, it was kind of obsessive. Now, with her, i guess it just seems more real." He spoke, and as i listened i softly tucked a rouge curl of flame behind Freya's ear, my fingers lightly grazing over the pale skin of her neck. "So are you official or what?"

"Sort of kinda," i thought for a moment, "we're something."


Well, that's it folks! I know i said i intended to write another chapter, but i think this is a nice place to end it. Stay tuned for sequel info!

all of the love


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