12 - Eichen House

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I heard a large bolt being drawn from the door, causing me to turn my sleepy eyes towards it and stand. I never could sleep well in this place, a few hours at the most, and with everything going on i found myself worrying about Stiles the whole night and where the hell he could be in this awful place. Part of me regretted making the idiotic decision to come back here, yet another part was proud that i hadn't let my anxiety over the situation win and that i was stepping up to help people, friends. Most of me, however, was thankful that, because this wasn't exactly my first time here, i was given my own room and didn't have to worry about a psychotic individual brutally murdering me in the night or simply muttering to themselves until i was driven to madness. 

I opened the door and looked around, quickly remembering how to navigate the hallways. Carefully, almost tiptoe-ing by instinct, i made my way down the windy flight of stairs to the walkway that wrapped around the back side of the grotesque structure. My only objective whilst being here was to look after Stiles, but to do that i needed to find him. I searched around the walkway briefly before coming to the conclusion that he was either further out in the yard or hadn't come down from his room yet. I walked down a small flight of stairs until i felt the grass give a little beneath the slippers i was wearing and continued to search the grounds. Despite the occupants of the garden being psychos and people one speck of dirt away from a meltdown the grounds were beautiful and perfectly manicured, almost too much so. Suddenly i heard gasps and shouts coming from the walkway back at the building. I closed my eyes, praying that it wasn't another suicide. I had heard the nurse muttering about one as she took my to my room the previous night and did not want to encounter one myself....this stay. Without thinking it through i took off towards the large building, almost tripping on the slippers as i bounded up the stairs. A pretty girl with light brown hair was being held back by an orderly next to where i stood and she looked absolutely livid. I followed her gaze, my heart leaping when i saw who she was glaring at. Stiles was pushed against the ground by a large man even though it was clear he was not in the wrong. 

"Hey!" I protested, trying and failing to catch the big mans attention. I saw Stiles try to angle his head upwards and pin point my voice but he was shoved down again. I rushed forward recklessly, jumping to the side to dodge and orderly who ran at me and tried to prise the man off of Stiles' body. It worked. I had latched onto his hand and dug my nails in until he let go. He looked at me wildly and got off Stiles all together, who quickly shuffled back and sat, breathing heavily against the wall. I knew he hadn't seen me properly yet and was thankful, worried that he would step in when the orderly who i recognised as Brunski stepped towards me. His hands shot down and i cringed as he grasped my arms, shoving me against the railing on the opposite side of the walkway. I groaned as my back made contact with it and then again when my head did.  

"He's hurting her!" I heard someone say off to my left

"Not good. Not good. Not good." Another mumbled

"You little bitch" He said quietly, moving close to my face "Back again? What now, weren't you fucked up enough before?" I heard heals moving quickly towards us and a stern voice

"Enough!" It shouted, but he only gripped me tighter. I felt his hot breath in my ear and whimpered slightly "Enough!" The voice shouted again. His grip loosened and i quickly drew my arms up across my chest, slowly rubbing my sore upper arms and squeezing my eyes shut. Out of the corner of my eye i could see Brunski stalk off, pushing people out of his way as he went. Looking forward, Miss Morrell leant over Stiles "What did you see?" She asked quietly. His gaze locked onto mine and his expression quickly turned from confused to concerned. He scrambled to a standing position despite her protests and moved quickly to crouch in front of me. 

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