14 - Explanations and Sleep

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"Sorry! That's all you can say!?" I cringed slightly and gripped the edge of the desk i was currently sitting on. "Scott turns up here to tell me you're back in that hell hole. The same one we agreed you were never going back to might i add!" Okay, so he was mad. Nothing was said the whole car ride. I had asked if we were going home but was met only with a hard stare so i kept quiet. Now, i sat atop of the Sheriff's desk whilst my brother stood in front off me, almost spitting words into my face. When we walked in i had trailed a couple of feet behind. Jordan had walked straight up to the Sheriff's office and threw the door open. Stilinski looked at him, then his eyes flickered to me. His gaze held relief and gratitude. My guess was that Scott told him why i went back to Eichen House. He simply nodded and walked out of the room so that i could be yelled at without everyone hearing. Stiles went home a day earlier. Apparently collapsing and waking up screaming your head off wasn't considered normal behaviour and it was 'requested' that i stay another day. In other words they thought i was losing it but didn't have cause to lock me up for good. 

"I don't know what to say" I admitted, starting to fiddle with my fingers again and chewing on my lip

"Let's start with my you were even there! Why'd you go with Scott and not me?" He yelled, causing me to cringe again. This time he noticed and his eyes, followed by voice, softened "Just...I thought we were past this. I thought you were doing okay."

"They've been getting worse," I whispered, not wanting to look him in the eye. "And i'll get a job to pay for the fees i promise" i added, finally looking up. He breathed out through his nose and looked me in the eye before stepping forward and pulling me up into a hug. I stiffened at first but quickly relaxed, holding him tightly, When he finally stepped back he sighed 

"I have some money saved up, we'll be fine. Now get home. I've gotta stay here, i only got to leave to get you but now i'm back to work. Sleep, rest, all that" We wondered out slowly, me lingering behind for a second to compose myself and i watched as Jordan sat at his desk, quickly snapping into 'i'm a professional cop' mode. 

"Freya?" The Sheriff said, snapping me out of a daze "I wonder if i could talk to you for a minute?" i nodded and followed him back into the office. "Thank you, for going with him. It seemed like a god awful place and i didn't want him going in at all. It was good to know he wasn't alone." I smiled slightly awkwardly, unsure  of how to respond "I feel like i've already had this conversation with you," He went on "But maybe that's just because you have already found my son at 3am, went after him to a mental institution and apparently, Stiles said, tackled a rough orderly?" He raised his eyebrows at the last bit and i let out a small chuckle

"Well yeah... I suppose i didn't want him alone in there either" I said, trying to stay composed "Just trying to help with everything that's going on." 

"Well, i'm just glad he found someone like you, he seems happier even with everything that's happening" He said with a smile. I grinned back until i realised what he was implying with the smirk on his face

"Oh, we're not... No, just friends" I stuttered, laughing awkwardly. He raised his eyebrows and nodded but the smile didn't leave his face

"Right, okay. Well i'm sure i'll see you around Freya" He laughed. Taking that as my cue to leave i smiled again before quickly leaving the room, making my way out of the station and letting out the breath i didn't know i was holding. I looked around the car park sighing, realising that i was driven here and hadn't yet had the chance to go home. Though my house isn't a particularly long walk from the station, it still takes 15 minutes and it had begun to rain. I thought of possibilities to avoid the walk for a few seconds, chewing on my lip as i trudged up to the sidewalk but ultimately, i knew where i was headed before i had even walked out of the door. 

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