6 - The Truth

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Scott skidded on his feet as he ran down the hallway. His face contorted momentarily, so quick i almost missed it, into a worried look before returning to normal as he stopped in front of us. 

"You guys okay?" He breathed out, giving us both a once over. Stiles blinked, as if he had to reorganise his mind before replying

"Yeah, fine. What's been going on?" They shared a look i had seen my brother give people too many times to be ignorant to it. It was the "not now, not in front of her look", and i couldn't stand it. Of course, rather than saying anything, i smiled and acted as though i was completely oblivious to the fact that something was clearly going on.

"Nothing really, i have some homework for you but that's all." He turned, addressing me for the first time "Hey, are you okay? I heard you weren't feeling great earlier" 

"Oh yeah" I laughed awkwardly "Yeah, um i'm fine now, just a bad headache i guess" He smiled at me but, yet again, his eyes flashed with worry and, when they did, i could have sworn a flicker of red ran through his iris. He cocked his head to the side slightly. 

"You're lying" He declared. How could he possibly know that? I am, and always have been an excellent lier. Even Jordan, a trained deputy could not discern truth from utter crap when it came to my words. It's not anything special, in fact, i'm pretty sure being close to a pathological lier is the opposite of a party trick; but it's come in useful time and time again. For example any time i need to make someone relax about my mental state. If they become concerned i'd simply say "I'm fine, really! I'm doing so much better" and sometimes, i almost believed myself. Or the fact that teachers believed the bullshit excuses i made up to get out of gym class and sneak back into the art rooms for the hour. To say the least, the fact that this boy, whom i had known well for all of 3 days, knew i lied out of my teeth was slightly irritating. 

"No, really." I paused, perking myself up despite the truly awful pain behind my ear "I,m absolutely fine, no headache for me!" He frowned and glanced at Stiles, who nodded.

"Freya, please, if you still don't feel well we have a friend who's really good with this kind of thing" He paused, a small smirk creeping onto his face "He's a doctor."


"Scott, when you guys said a doctor i didn't realise you meant a Vet. I'm not sure he's qualified to treat this kind of thing and besides, i said i'm fine, it'll go away" 

"Trust me" he laughed "He's qualified. Anyway, he's my boss and i trust him with my life okay? Everything will be fine" We entered the animal shelter, as small ding from the bell sounding as the door closed behind us. "Deaton?" He called. A man appeared from the back room looking unsurprised at my presence. 

"Ah, is this the young lady you were telling me about?" He said with a smile "Follow me back here" I glanced at Scott questioningly, earning a nod in response

"I texted him before we left the hospital," He explained "Just wanted to make sure he didn't leave before we could get here" I nodded and followed behind the Vet.

"Alright, I'm Dr. Deaton. I mostly just go by Deaton." The Vet spoke as he leaned his elbows on the metal examining table

"Freya" I said cautiously "I don't mean to be rude..." I began, my mind filling with all possible responses he may have "but i don't know how a Vet can help me with a headache..." To my surprise he grinned.

"True, i'm a Veterinarian, but i do have some experience with more, should i say unusual? medical issues for people" Out of the corner of my eye i once again saw a flash of something, perhaps amusement? in Scott's eyes. I wasn't being told the whole truth. "Now, where does your head hurt?" He asked, motioning for me to indicate by touching the area. Softly, i place two fingers behind my left ear, wincing at the stinging pain. He nodded. "May i?" It was my turn to nod then, angling my head to the side slightly so that he could inspect the area.

"Is there anything there?" I questioned after a moment, becoming more uncomfortable by the second at being out of the loop. Scott had moved from his position by the window to beside Deaton, both males staring at a spot behind my ear. 

"A small scratch, nothing else" Scott said from behind me. I turned around, my ginger hair falling back into place, as messy as that place may be. Though he seamed almost normal, his voice held an underlying tell and i couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I frowned.

"Now you're lying, i can hear it in your voice" Both of them frowned deeply and exchanged a quick look

"How did you..." Scott began, but Deaton held up his hand to silence him. 

"Scott," He started carefully, "Why don't you head home and get some rest, i'd like to have a chat with Freya alone." Again, they shared a look, something that was becoming irritating, and Scott left, leaving me alone with someone i barely knew.

"Okay," He began "What do you remember from last night, when this happened?" He asked, "How much did you see?" I sighed, and mentally prepared my fragile mind to become the crazy girl i was so busy trying to convince myself i'm not. 

"Everything. I remember... I saw everything." He sighed and nodded, urging me to continue. "I saw people in black masks. They came out of nowhere... and, and Scott and his friends... Stiles had already gone but they did incredible things. No human should be able to do that. They moved faster, fought better... How do they even know how to do that?" 

"Okay, Freya, I'm going to tell you something unbelievable, but you can trust me" He paused, "Because i have a funny feeling you're going to know if it's the truth or not."


Yep, so here's another chapter! I will try to upload another one tonight but if not it should go up tomorrow.

I had a lot of fun with this one because we're starting to learn a bit more about Freya and possibly some abilities she may have....

So, what do you think? Is she perceptive? Or is she supernatural?


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