23 - What we are (pt.1)

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"Okay, just stay still for a little bit longer" I told Stiles, who was currently sitting on a chair a few metres from me whilst i moved my paintbrush across the canvas, occasionally stoping to look up at him or to dip the brush into more paint. He grinned mischievously and turned his head quickly to face me directly

"No really, stop moving you idiot" I exclaimed loudly "i'm trying to get the tone right and you're screwing up the shadows!" This time he stood, and i simply shook my head, cleaning the brush in murky, paint filled water 

"We can continue this another day," he said with a smile as he approached the easel i was working on, pausing to examine my work. "Jesus, Freya this is amazing!" I grinned up at him


"Yeah." He confirmed, placing both hands onto my cheeks, cupping them softly. I stood from the stool that i was sat on whilst simultaneously covering his hands with my own paint covered ones, and leaned my face into  his palm slightly. Our lips pressed together gently for just a moment before he pulled away. "Now come on, you've got to meet Lydia to get ready for Danny's in about 15 minutes, i'll drive you." I grinned, and lifted my lips quickly up to his once more, 

"Let's go then,"


An hour later i was sitting in Lydia's bathroom, letting her do my hair, makeup already finished 

"Sooo" She dragged out with a hint of a smirk across her made up face, "I noticed that Stiles dropped you off," I shrugged, not really wanting to have to divulge the private moments we had shared together

"Yeah i'm painting him for the art assignment, we were working on it earlier and Jordan couldn't bring me here so Stiles offered," I said in a nonchalant manner, "no big deal." Her mood deflated slightly, apparently believing my sort of lie. I mean, we were working on my painting, so it's not a total lie.

"Oh, okay then," she laughed slightly, "I think he likes you though." I smiled slightly, looking down at my fingers which fiddled in my lap. "He's constantly looking at you, i mean, he's going to go nuts when he sees you!" She paused for a moment, curling another part of hair. "Okay, all done!" The girl in the mirror in front of me didn't look familiar at all. My hair was loosely curled at the ends and thrown over one side, a big change from my usually messy, crazy ginger curls, whilst she had carefully painted a matte red lipstick across my full lips. My eyelashes were coated in mascara, framing the nude eye makeup that Lydia had expertly blended over the lid. I felt, for once, pretty.

"Lydia," I gushed, feeling silly and yet unable to contain my enthusiasm "Thank you so much!" She waved it off like it was nothing

"Oh don't be silly! Now here," she said, placing a number of clothes hangers in my hands, "Put these on and then we'll go." I grinned

"Really Lyds, thank you so much!" I said, still smiling widely, and went back into her luxurious bedroom to put on the clothes she had handed me. 

I dressed quickly before looking in the mirror to see the full effect of the outfit. She had dressed me in flowy red shorts that matched my hair, with a sheer long sleeved top embroidered with red flowers and emerald green vines over a black singlet. A shiny metallic gold belt snaked around my slim waist and completed the ensemble. 

"Oh Freya!" Lydia sighed, clapping her hands together in approval, making her presence known. "You look amazing! Now put these on." She handed me a pair of expensive looking heels in the same vibrant vermillion as the shorts. I slipped them on effortlessly and stood, finding them surprisingly comfortable, to see how Lydia had dressed herself.

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