11 - Stupid decisions

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"I have to" Stiles said desperately, running his hands through his hair, "I'm dangerous"

"That place is dangerous" I reasoned, swivelling to face him properly. I sat in the chair at his desk whilst he awkwardly perched on the edge of his bed. "I won't let you" He stood, walking slowly to stand in front of me. I looked up at him, leaning into his hand as he placed it on my cheek. 

"You don't have a choice. I'm going" I felt a tear drip down my cheek "Hey, it's okay" He soothed, bending down and leaning in and.... Wait what?

I jolted upright in bed, feeling my heart rate slowly decrease. I swung my legs over the side and quickly threw my hair into a ponytail in an attempt to get the mess out of my face. I ran my hands over my desk in the dark room until i found the object i desired - my phone. The screen was bright in the darkness. I squinted as i navigated through the apps until i found Scott's contact, tapping my foot impatiently as it rung

"He- hello?" He said groggily

"Scott i think Stiles is doing something stupid!" I began in a ramble

"What, How do you know?" He asked, becoming audibly more awake

"Uh, it's going to sound weird but i dreamt it" 

"Trust me," he laughed "Nothing sounds weird any more, what's going on?" I quickly explained the events of the dream, leaving out the last part and offered a suggestion

"I think he's going to Eichon House. It's a mental facility that i... I'm well aquatinted with shall we say" 

"Do you know where it is?" He asked. I heard rummaging on the other end of the line as he got dressed 

"Yeah" I mumbled, not fond of the place in the slightest. I began to get dressed myself, conscious of where the conversation was going. I pulled a pair of dark wash jeans up my legs, hopping as i did so, before wrenching an oversized grey jumper over my pyjama top. 

"I'm coming to get you, we need to stop him" He concluded. I winced as he spoke, frustrated that i was correct in my prediction of the course of our conversation. He hung up and i quickly grabbed my boots, quickly lacing them before picking up my phone and running to the front door. In minutes he arrived on his bike, throwing me a helmet before instructing me to hold on tight. 

As we sped down the road he yelled over the sound of wind, explaining everything that apparently i had previously not been allowed to know. Every now and then i interrupted with a direction but for the most part i was silent, gripping onto his waist tighter when he explained what Stiles had done at the animal clinic. Soon, the large gates were in  view along with a pair of headlights belonging to Stilinski's car. Scott parked and quickly walked over while i trailed behind at a considerably slower pace.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott demanded, looking between his best friend and the man who had become like a father to him. Stilinksi breathed out audibly

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this" He said solemnly

"It's only for 72 hours" Stiles said. He sounded tired, physically and emotionally and my heart ached. 

"This is where Barrow came from!" Scott began, "The guy who had a tumor filled with flies" Then, turning to Stilinski "You don't know everything yet"

"This place isn't safe" I said, speaking up for the first time "Trust me i've had my share of time in here" Scott and Stiles both whipped their heads around to look at me incredulously but i kept my eyes on Stilinski "Why are you putting him in here?"

"He's not, it was my decision. And how did you even know i was coming here?" Stiles sighed, sounding more and more exhausted 

"She's on the board" Scott said simply, nodding his head in my direction. I looked at him in confusion "Stiles i can't help you if you're in here" 

"Wait wh..." I asked, looking between the people in front of me who seemed to understand. Stiles looked surprised and frowned 

"It doesn't matter, i can't hurt you" Stiles said sadly

"Deaton's got some ideas.." Scott began, grasping onto everything he had left and sounding awfully desperate "Argent's calling people, we're going to find something. And if we can't..."

"And if you can't" Stiles said quietly, leaning forward "Then you need to do something for me. Make sure i never get out of here." He looked at his dad who nodded slightly and the pair walked through the gates. He tousled his hair a little as he walked up the steps, looking back and giving me a sorrowful look.

"He's scared" I said frowning. His eyes had flickered with emotion and his body was tense despite his tired state

"I can't... I can't do anything while he's there" Scott said, defeated. I looked up at the large building looming through the gates  and took a huge breath, feeling my heart rate and breathing quicken as i spoke

"I can." He looked at me strangely "Tell my brother this. It happened again. It won't be for long and i love him okay?" He shook his head as realisation dawned on him

"I can't ask you to, I won't" He said quickly

"I don't remember you asking" I said, softly laughing 

"What will you tell them?" 

"I've got this, trust me" I said, frowning as i realised that i was actually doing it. I gave him a small encouraging smile and began to walk up the steps, trying to control my breathing as i went.  I paused briefly at the door before pushing it open  and stepping onto the familiar floorboards.


"Miss Parrish?" A woman asked. She was in her mid forties with dark skin and a disturbing smile. "It's been a while, follow me" I followed behind her to a mid-sized office and sat behind an ornate desk while she took her place on the other side. "So, what brings you back this time? Panic Attacks again? I nodded, aware that, due to my track record at this place it would get me emitted immediately. 

"They're getting worse" I said honestly. It was easier than lying, even though lying comes easily                                                                                                                           

"I see. Well you know the drill. No phone calls for the first 72 hours"

"I'm only staying for that long" I interrupted. She nodded 

"You will attend group therapy in the morning, I trust that you don't need psychological analysis." She informed me "Again." she added. I nodded slowly and began to take off my shoes as she handed me a change of clothes. "I will need your brother's signature" I froze. I has forgotten about that. I switched on the lying 

"I know... I just," I began, starting to cry for effect "I can't do it anymore, i need to get away for a bit" She nodded 

"I'll call him tomorrow"  I smiled gratefully, knowing full well that once i was in he wouldn't be able to do anything about it for 72 hours anyway, and i would be long gone from this place by then. "I'll show you to your room." She rose and left the room. I followed, wiping the tears from my eyes with a small smile. I'd done it. I would have to find Stiles tomorrow when they unlock the doors but until then, i had to survive another night in Eichon, the place desperate people go and the ones who usually don't come out. 


Not as long as the last one but here you go :)

If all goes well you might get 2 updates in one day!!!


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