Chapter 1

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The baby did not cry. Her eyes were wide open, fearful and confused.

Despite this abnormality, the nurses and doctors paid her no heed.

It had been a week after the Kyuubi attack and the aftermath of the chaos had not been a pretty sight. The medic nin were running around the whole hospital, or what was left of the once largest building in Konoha, trying to treat as many wounded shinobi as possible.

The death of the Fourth Hokage and his wife had brought upon great tragedy, and the rampage of the tailed beast had blanketed the whole village with fear. The rumors of a jinchuriki circulated around, making the villagers restless and unease.

Who would pay attention to the infant who had welcomed the world mere days ago?


Her dad was a brave shinobi who sacrificed himself for the village, her mom a heartbroken woman who had complications during her labour.

What made her so special?


She was just another lost soul.

A lost soul.


I took twenty nine minutes and five seconds to realize that I had reincarnated.

One moment, my sixteen years old self was trying to save a black kitten that had ended up in the middle of the road, the next lights blinded my eyes and horns rang in my ears. 

My consciousness was slipping away and the sound of ambulance became softer as my body started feeling numb.

My eyes felt heavier and my struggle to keep them open was fruitless.

Slowly and gently, they closed and darkness engulfed me, the last thing I heard was a cat's soft mewling.

It was black and it was quiet.

Then, it was hell.

The only word that registered in my head was pain. It was as if someone tried to split my head open. The pressure that pressed onto me was too much and it was suffocating, my mouth agape to form a soundless scream. I tried to breathe, but my lungs were being pushed together. My eyes were too heavy to be opened. I was kept on being pressed and pushed, and it was so painful. I could only pray to all the gods up there to make it stop.

And all of the sudden, it did.

All the pressure disappeared, and I could finally breathe.

I relished the feeling of having oxygen inside my lungs, myself now free and new. I could feel the newly appeared bright light trying to break through my closed eyes. The only sounds registered in my head were two screams. The first one belonged to a woman in pain. 

The other I took a while to recognize was mine. Never in my whole life had I remembered crying like a hopeless, hungry infant. That thought only made me screamed louder, but it only came out sounding like a baby wailing.

In the middle of my crying mess, I was lifted up. A sixteen years old being lifted up for heaven's sake. I couldn't move my limbs, so I tried screaming louder, begging to be put back down. The person carrying me refused to listen, but with gentleness, transferred me into something else.

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