Chapter 29

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Two updates in a week? I'm on a roll 😎



"You don't have to sound so traumatized, Naka-chan." Shisui rolled his eyes. "I've been training you for years."

"Exactly. Shouldn't I learn from someone new instead? Acquire new skills? Widen my horizons?" Careful Naka, a little more and it might just sound like you're begging.

"You ungrateful brat. I still have so many things to teach you."

Shisui had decided that he would take me to the Uchiha compound, which even after twelve years of living as Naka, I still had never had the chance to step foot into the esteemed location. We walked along the river inside the compound, taking comfort in the sound of constant stream.

"Did the Third force you to do this job?" I questioned out of curiosity. After all, twenty one is a prime age in shinobi career, and one wouldn't want to do something like... mentoring. "If yes, I can talk to him."

"You don't know how apprenticeships work, do you?" He sighed, condescending disappointment lacing every word.


"A jounin specialist observes students from a class and they have a choice whether they would want to train anyone from the class or not. This is usually so they can work right under the system their mentor is currently in."

"You had a choice and you chose me?" I asked, not sure if I was proud or sad at that prospect.


Normally, I would've believed him right away, because he was Shisui, one of the people whom I would trust entirely with my life. But my eyes caught his thumb jerking.

It was momentary, almost as fleeting as blinking your eyes, and the action was so subtle I could've missed it, but it was definitely there.

The thing about Shisui was that even though people said that he excelled at everything at such a young age, a prodigy since birth, he was still a human prone to feelings. Feelings like nervousness.

And Shisui's thumb only jerks when he was nervous.

"Tell me the truth."

"That is the truth."

"Shut up, Shisui. Just tell me."

The Uchiha paused for a while, contemplating the choice of his next words.

"Yes and no. I would've chosen you anyway, but the hokage got to me beforehand. He wants you to be an infiltration specialist." He finally admitted.

Huh. That wasn't so bad. Why was it a secret in the first place?

"Why?" I asked.

"He knows about your ba-ra-kee."

"Bakery." I corrected him. "But what does that have to do with infiltration?"

"He knows you have one in Sunagakure too." Shisui shrugged. "And probably figured you have an interest in building underground networks and infiltration skills."

He took a look at my thoughtful face. "And I don't think he's wrong."

"Is the Third angry?" I asked.

"At first he was mad that you disregarded the law and went ahead to do so." My mentor admitted. "But then he couldn't find a flaw with the processing and the paperwork, and the shop had opened for over a year and is doing quite well."

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