Chapter 26

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"You know," I started, looking up at the tree where I was lying down under. "I wanted to own a shop when I was younger."

"You are young." Sasuke replied dryly from next to me, leaning against the tree with a book in his hand.

It was a windy Saturday, so I decided to go to the park after training with Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata. The Uchiha tagged along, having nothing better to do. Naruto and Hinata went to get ramen together, but not after a knowing look I sent Hinata's way.

"At first, I wanted a normal life, you know?" I said wistfully. "Live past the age of sixteen, own a bakery..."

Sasuke looked like he wanted to ask what a bakery was, but decided not to. It seemed like he was getting used to all the weird words I kept sprouting the past five years.

"..., find a nice, normal guy, get married, have two children, and grow old together. Maybe even live to see my grandchildren."

The boy next to me flipped a page of his book. "That can still happen, you know?"

"Yeah, right." I snorted. I originally wanted a normal life, so why was it that I decided to change the timeline of Naruto? Oh right, curiosity and unbreakable bonds. Hey, I could use some unpredictability in my life.

"But I know what you mean, Naka." Sasuke said, an unreadable tone in his voice. "I sometimes wonder what would happen if things were normal."

Although Sasuke's and my definition of 'normal' were most likely different, it was good to see he wasn't a blood crazed ninja lusting for vengeance. My job with Sasuke was done. He would grow up to be a fine shinobi indeed.


"Hey, how are you doing?" I greeted Mamoru.

"Great, and totally not tired from all the traveling between Suna and Konoha." Ah, still a grumpy and sarcastic cat.

"How's the Bakery doing?" Yes, I named my shop Bakery. It was an unfamiliar word here, and that was as imaginative as I could be.

"Good. The three teenage orphans Nanami and Hayashi sent there were fairly competent. They're really good with social networking too." The black cat licked his paw. "They're already getting to know almost every orphan there is in the village of the Sand."

I hummed, turning back to practice my kunai throwing and tying a blindfold around my eyes. Tenten said that this would make me less likely to rely on my eyes and more on my instincts. Plus, it helped with the confidence too.

"And the Akatsuki?" I asked.

"Still normal missions." He said, with a tone of distaste. "I don't understand why they're still doing them. Having members of such caliber make them so much more capable then just bounty hunting."

"Maybe it's because they're planning something big."

"And I can't figure out what." Frustration all but leaked from Mamoru's voice.

"It's okay. What about Uchiha Madara?"

I listened as the leaves on the Sarutobi training ground rustled when Mamoru came closer to me, so I knelt down to his level and took off my blindfold.

"There are words. Hushed ones. In Amegakure, they're about a man who fought death and won." Huh, it's funny because he was kind of describing me. "I heard Kisame talking to his opponents, before he killed all fourteen of them. He said that Madara was going to show the world what peace was."

If I remember correctly, this was the Eye of Moon plan. Or something along those lines. So, this confirmed that 'Madara' was behind the Akatsuki. Something Itachi already knew.

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