Chapter 25

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Two years went by, perhaps a little too quickly than what I would've wanted. Many girls and boys in our class were starting to meet our worst enemy and best friend: puberty. Voice cracks, flushed cheeks, hormone fluctuations and many other embarrassing things were everywhere.

I was a little horrified at the prospect of having to deal with it again, but hey, it was totally worth seeing Sasuke's ears turn pink every time his voice cracked. I also grew a lot, taller than half the boys in our class, Naruto included. The blonde was determined to grow taller and treated it like a competition, drinking cartons and cartons of milk weekly. I was quite unsurprised that he had not given up yet.


"Julie likes Joeyyyy!"

A brunette preteen blushed beet red. "No, I don't! Stop spreading false rumors."

Her friends teased. "But, they aren't false! Joey and Julie, sittin' on a tree, K-"

"Oh my God!" Julie shrieked as she chased her friends around the class. "I don't like him!"


At the age 11, there were many changes. The mysterious lunch sender had stopped sending lunches after my cake business became quite successful. Apparently the villagers loved the new taste of cakes that they didn't have here in Konoha, which was a relief. I was able to open a small branch in Suna village earlier this year with the help of Mamoru, asking him to survey the locations and help fake merchant documents. Going to the Sand village as Julie was dangerously thrilling, and I couldn't help but feel excited every time I got past the security post.

Call me crazy, because I could be.

At the age 11, it was also the age where I got to meet many interesting people. The people worth noting is Team Gai. Hinata had invited me to join the graduation ceremony with her. Even though there were some Hyuga guards there with her, I doubt she wanted their company, so I agreed. I had some time to kill on a Friday afternoon anyway.

When Neji came out, Hinata shyly rushed to him to give him a congratulatory present, a box wrapped nicely in red with white polka dots. The fresh genin was tall for his age, and his hair was really as silky as the manga drew it as. It seemed like Hinata and her older cousin were on fair terms, if not good. So, I guess my work eight years ago worked out quite well, so I couldn't help but smile.

"Congratulations, Hyuga-san." I said to Neji, bowing politely in his direction.

With a stiff bow in return, he didn't get to finish his thank you when a green blob of something seemingly crashed into him. But he was Hyuga Neji, and nothing could crash into him. So that something crashed into me. Into the ground.

Shisui would have my head if he knew I was letting my guard down, even if it was during a graduation ceremony on a peaceful friday afternoon in a peaceful village of Konoha.

"I am so sorry, fair flower!" Lee all but screamed into my ears. "As an apology, I will walk around the village with my hands twenty times! But I can't do that now because Team Gai is having a dinner together, so I will do it tomorrow morning when the Sun rises and shines beautifully on the Hokage Monument!"

Knowing how much I hated loud noises, the normally shy Hinata grabbed Lee by his shirt(jumpsuit) and led him away from my bursting eardrums.


Everyone turned to me, still on the ground might I add, questionable look on their faces.

"Make it thirty, Greenie." I repeated myself. "I would love to see you walk around the village thirty times."

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