Chapter 5

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Shisui quickly walked to the back of the dango store, seating himself next to the window seat. He energetically pointed towards the seat opposite of him.

"Take a seat, Naka-chan!"

I sat on the chair, and watched Shisui brought the menu up to his face, completely blocking my view of him. After a while, he must've noticed my long stare, as he gingerly lowered the menu, and looked at me.

"I'm struggling to choose what to eat! Man, this place is filled with perfection."

Not soon after, a middle-aged waitress came to our table, her face lighting up in recognition as she stared at Shisui.

"Ah, Shisui-kun! This is the third time you are here this week. Would you like the usual?"

Shisui nodded his head with vigor.

"And you, little one, what would you like?"

I tilted my head a little. "Same as him, I suppose."

The waitress quickly nodded her head, and before leaving, casted Shisui one last smile.

I peered at Shisui's face.

"Anything you want to tell me?"

Shisui frowned. "Huh? What to tell you?"

My lips tugged into a mocking smile.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you know my name when I didn't tell you? Or maybe how you pretended to read the menu in deep concentration when you already have your usual order in mind every time you come here?"

His face didn't show much of a reaction, but his hands were abnormally still and his shoulders a little too tense.

"What are you trying to say?" He asked.

"I think you know perfectly well what I am trying to say." Despite the bubbly facade, this boy was undoubtedly intelligent, being hailed as an Uchiha prodigy.

"Well," he paused, his tone changing into half taunting, half teasing, "Naka-chan. I have to say I don't know what you are talking about."

A tense silence enveloped our table, save for the sound of people chattering around in the background.

A frown was evident on my face, frustration clear. On the other hand, a small smile flitted across Shisui's face, almost as if he was an adult indulging a child.

The waitress came back to our table to serve two dango plates. I grabbed a stick, before munching on the dessert, savoring the sweetness.

Letting my mind wander away from this serious conversation, I raised my eyebrows in surprise.

"This dango is actually good."

Shisui's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Of course it is. Did you doubt me for a second?"

I shook my head. "I don't... But you doubted me."

"Oh? I doubted you? Enlighten me, please."

I paused my chewing, then looked at Shisui straight in his eyes.

"You thought I was a spy, didn't you?"

Shisui rested his elbow on the table, before putting his chin onto his palm.

"That's a very strong accusation, Naka-chan. What would make you think so?"

I scoffed a little. "Oh please. Who would bring a random orphan they find to a dango shop? Or know their name for that matter?"

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