Chapter 30

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Mamoru appeared the next morning when I was adjusting the weapon holster on my shorts, putting in a sealing scroll Tenten had given me as a graduation present, weapons included inside.

His coarse tongue slid up my ankle, alerting me of his presence.

"Oh, hey." Before I could bend down to his level, he jumped onto my bed, ruffling the set of shirt I had prepared for the mission.

"This time, I have something interesting." His sly yellow eyes gazed into mine, tinted with unconcealed amusement. "About that mentor of yours."

I froze. Shisui? "What about him?"

"I was snooping around your dad's office," he said, playfully putting emphasis on the word dad. "And I found this scroll." He jerked his head towards a scroll that had mysteriously appeared onto the middle of my kitchen table.

I walked towards the bright red scroll and grabbed it, hesitantly untying the strings. "Are you sure I can read it?"

"Oh trust me." He grinned a Cheshire's grin, showing more teeth that what was considered normal. "This is good."

I frowned, not liking where this was going, before opening the scroll that was dated two years back.

S-Rank Secret

Lord Third has permitted Uchiha Shisui, position ANBU, to complete a mission to cease the unrest between Konohagakure and the Uchiha clan. Performing the Kotoamatsukami with his Mangekyo sharingan on the Uchiha clan's head, Uchiha Fugaku, and other members of the Uchiha clan's resistance group, he has managed to put an end to the coup d'tat.

Mission goal was accomplished with no casualties.

Witnesses: Lord Third, Nara Shikaku, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi

I closed the scroll silently, my head reeling with hundreds of thoughts.

Kotoamatsukami was a high class, possibly the strongest form, mind-controlling genjutsu, performed only by those highly achieved. It was a technique I wouldn't have known about if I hadn't spent the entirety of my childhood in the library. Ever since the warring periods, library records only held two of such instances where this illusion was used, and neither were on a fellow Konoha citizen.

In this case, the genjutsu probably to put them under the illusion of peace within Konoha, or perhaps with Uchiha superiority attained. Whatever it was, I would never know.

"Hmm? What do you think?" Mamoru asked, clearly taking great pleasure in my confusion.

"This was two years ago?" I sat on my bed next to Mamoru, my backpack completely forgotten.


I knew the arranged marriage wasn't effective; it was simply a rushed move. But the Kotoamatsukami? That was permanent and effective. The fact that Itachi was a witness meant that he was in on it, and possibly a backup for Shisui in case things didn't go as planned.

Itachi, the guy who would kill his family for his little brother, would have no problem putting some of the Uchiha clan, including his immediate family members, under the illusion. But it was definitely a more preferred method than Danzo's proposed plan: the massacre.

"Well..." I trailed off. "That does indeed put certain things into the light."

No wonder Shisui had seem pretty stressed the past years, making him turn to apprenticeships instead of ANBU missions where he would receive orders directly from the hokage.

"Are you not mad at your friend?"

"Mad at Shisui?" I questioned, a little surprised by that possibility. "Well... honestly, I don't care for his clan members under the illusion, because they're happy in their own little world." Quite literally. "And this is probably the most ideal situation."

Or as per Itachi's motto: For the greater good.

I threw the scroll back to Mamoru, who caught it in his mouth. "And I think you should return this as soon as possible. I doubt the hokage would be thrilled to find one of his S-Rank scrolls missing."

How my summon had managed to sneak into the tightly secured Hokage's office without being caught I would never know. But I also wouldn't want to underestimate a cat that is able to navigate between dimensions either.

"You're no fun." The black cat huffed, before disappearing into the shadows.

I wasn't mad at Shisui, but it scared me to be reminded once more how truly powerful he was.


In twenty minutes, I met up with Shisui for our mission.

"Tell me what this mission is about." Shisui said, an uncharacteristic serious look on his face.

"To retrieve a family scroll that was stolen by a group of bandits, most likely hidden in the a hideout around Konoha's outskirts, or possibly outside our borders." I opened the mission scroll that he had given to me yesterday, showing a picture inside of a dark green scroll, a familiar Hyuuga clan symbol resting on top.

He nodded, and we started dashing into the forests, running without chakra. Save your chakra, the Uchiha had said, so you won't regret it later.

"Are you sure this is a D-rank?" I raised my eyebrows, trying to keep my mind off the new fact I had learned earlier this morning.

"Nope, a low C-rank." Shisui answered, and I caught him subtly shaking his head from the corner of my vision. "These bandits pose no harm, and are mostly just pests. They lack training in physical skills, and are mostly all brawn and no brain."

"Suggested method of engagement?"

"Our mission goal is to simply retrieve the scroll. Cause harm if you need to." He succintly replied.

"Got it, Shisui-sensei."


Author's Note:

Kotoamatsukami is a real genjutsu and is used in Shippuden. It is indeed canon Shisui's plan to put Uchiha clan under Kotoamatsukami, but Danzo would've never agreed to it (that greedy son of a b) and that well, shisui died before he could he could perform it.

I personally think the main difference between Itachi and Shisui is that Shisui loyal to both Konoha and the Uchiha clan, so the massacre is definitely out of the picture. But for Itachi, it was Sasuke above all, and Konoha comes in second, Uchiha clan third.

Basically in conclusion, the arranged marriage bought time, but no, it didn't solve the problem.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Sometimes it requires extra plotting when the OC is not in team 7 and the storyline deviates from the original plot, so thank you for sticking with me!


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