Chapter 23

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Feel free to skip this part straight to the plot if you remember the story!

Summary of the past 22 chapters:

Age 0-3: Naka discovers she's reborn, lives in the orphanage and meets Naruto, becoming good friends. They both meet the Hokage, who suspected Naka of possibly being a spy. Naka 'accidentally' meets Shisui while lost (who is sent by the Hokage to spy on her), and trains under him. The dango shop is their sanctuary. She becomes friends with Shikamaru.

Age 4- 5: Naka comes back to the orphanage in time to take the blow for Naruto from the matron's belt, giving her a small permanent scar under her eye. Both of them are given a new apartment from the Hokage. She meets Itachi and Sasuke, introduced by Shisui. Naka decides to tell the Hokage about her knowledge of the future, describing them as dreams instead of reincarnation. She is mind read, where Yamanaka Inoichi found Julie, Naka's past life, who turned crazy after the isolation for so many years in Naka's head. Naka is assigned an ANBU to watch over her.

Age 6-8: Konoha 9 and Naka join the Academy. Hokage adopt both Naruto and Naka, and announce an arranged marriage between Naka and one of the Uchihas (not yet revealed) on Sasuke's birthday. Her new brothers are Shori and Asuma, and a newphew Konohamaru. Her new teacher is Yamada, while Naruto gets Hanako. Yamada-sensei shows no mercy when training her, and Naka is learning chakra control and chakra blades, a weapon she decides she will specialize in. She gathers Shikamaru, Sasuke, Naruto, Hinata, Choji, Sakura and Ino to form a gang of friends.

Age 9: Naka meets the black cat she saved in her past life, a summon called Mamoru specializing in infiltration missions. Meanwhile, Itachi eavesdrops on them, blackmailing her to let her summon spy on Uchiha Madara for him while he keeps the secret of her coming from two 'worlds'. Julie appears, but this time, in front of her friends, resulting in chakra exhaustion.


The past two weeks had been rather eventful. I was sleeping for two days due to chakra exhaustion, and wasn't allowed visitors until the fifth day. Shikamaru came to visit me everyday from then on, bringing me homework and notes. Occasionally, he would bring a chess board, despite myself losing to him every time we played it.

"Hokage-sama told us it's an S-rank secret." The lazy boy had said, on the day I lost the game two consecutive times, as he packed up the chess board. "...about Julie."

He paused and looked at me, sharp eyes searching for an explanation on my face. I quickly turned to face the window, not liking the way he was trying to read my feelings. It was rather strange the Hokage- should I call him father?- hadn't visited me to talk about Julie yet, so I had no idea what the cover story was. And honestly, I didn't know what to tell Shikamaru.

Oh, Shikamaru, you see, Julie's my past life! She's me, but real mean and more than likely to have sadistic tendencies. Don't worry! She won't kill you... probably.

"I don't know how to explain it." I said softly, hoping that he would understand.

The boy looked at me for a moment longer, before he turned back to putting the chess board in his bag. Shikamaru gave me a small smile. "That's alright. I can wait until you're ready to do so."

After Shikamaru, I had to comfort Naruto, who looked torn and scared. I tried to comfort him, really, but there was really no guarantee that Julie wouldn't hurt him in the future. So I closed my eyes and smiled and whispered reassuring words into his ears.

Unlike Shikamaru, I didn't know if Naruto could understand that I could hurt him in the future. Naruto trusted me, and I honestly wouldn't know what I would do if I were to break that trust. From then on, he would visit me daily, sometimes with Hanako-sensei. She reassured me that Yamada-sensei would have visited too if he wasn't stuck on a mission.

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