Chapter 4

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Naruto was still sleeping soundly, and the drool that escaped from his mouth drenched a certain spot of his pillow.

I awkwardly rolled out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible. Tip toeing, I walked across the room to peek out of the door.

Various orphans were scattered around the living room, some in groups and some by themselves, playing and doodling, along with some other childish games.

Just another typical day, I suppose.

I slowly turned to my left, and the bright light from the outside immediately blinded my eyes. Slowly walking towards the window, I squinted my eyes.

The Sun was almost above our heads, so it must be approximately noon.

Funny, the caretakers didn't even wake us up for breakfast.

Outside, children were running around, laughing happily as they chased one another. Those youngsters couldn't be the orphans. After all, no orphans are allowed outside the orphanage without supervision.

They looked genuinely happy, unlike the dark cloud that was hanging above the living room.

Placing a hand onto the window, I realized that it wasn't locked. In fact, it doesn't even have a lock. Konoha must be awfully confident in their ninja force to leave the jinchuriki's room's security unattended. But they couldn't care less, could they? There was probably one ANBU hiding in the tree 1 meter away from the window just to keep watch on Naruto.

I hesitantly pushed the window outwards, relishing the fresh air that entered the room. I let out a a grin. Let's just say that once one gets a taste of freedom, it will never be enough.

I didn't look back to the living room, fully knowing that the caretakers wouldn't bother to check attendance. I did the only thing I could do at that moment.

I jumped out of the window.

Expectedly, I landed ungracefully with a loud thud, despite jumping from the first story.

Once I got back up, I looked back at the worn building. The very building that had bounded me to misery.

Going off to the opposite direction, I sprinted away from the orphanage as quickly as my legs could carry me.

After all, an hour or so away from this hellhole wouldn't hurt, would it?


I am alone, confused, and very, very lost.

Staring at the tall trees that surrounded me, I wondered which part of the training ground I managed to land myself into.

I kept on walking, persisting the tired legs that only want to give up. I managed to find a small clearing, suspiciously looking as though it had been on fire and someone tried to extinguish it.

"Aww.. Is little chibi-chan lost?" A new voice loudly spoke from my left.

Jumping in surprise, I quickly swirled my head to look at the source of the voice.

I soon found myself staring at a very familiar face. It was a boy, possibly eleven or twelve years old. His coal black eyes matched his unruly hair that seemed to sway gently along with the wind.

I caught a glimpse of a fan symbol behind his shirt. Ah, an Uchiha.

Goddamn Uchiha and their sense of pride. They brand everything with their fan symbol. Do they brand their pencil cases? Their underwears? They might as well hold a neon sign saying "Hey! Look at me! I'm an Uchiha!"

I gave a quick eye roll, before slowly coming to my senses.

Wait. What? An Uchiha?

I looked at the Uchiha symbol, then at his face, back to the Uchiha symbol, then back to his face.

"Uchiha Shisui?" I blurted out in surprise. He was, in a way, an important character in Naruto, yet didn't have much appearance. That, and well, he was dead.

It was that unfortunate moment my legs decided to give out on me, and for the second time, I landed ungracefully one my butt.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "How do you know who I am?"

I gave him a shrug. "The same way you know I was lost."



He stared at me for a long second, before plopping down next to me.

"What's your name?" He asked, looking at me briefly.

I simply raised an eyebrow. Did he not have better things to do than to bother a toddler?

Unsatisfied with the silence, Shisui asked another question.

"How old are you?"

I shrugged, not feeling like talking.

"Why are you here?"

I shrugged. Simply because I did not know.

There was a pause.

"You don't talk a lot, do you?" The Uchiha asked.

"Not really." I admitted.

Shisui gave me a cheeky grin, showing a little more teeth than considered polite.

"So should I be honored you're talking to me right now?"

I raised an eyebrow, a tad amused by his behavior.

"Has anyone ever told you you talk a lot?" I asked, cracking into a small smile.

He gave a pout, an extremely un-Uchiha gesture.

"I just got insulted by a child."

"You are a child." I pointed out.

"You are younger."

Oh Shisui, you have no idea, I thought, a nostalgic smile on my face.

"Woah, someone your age should not be wearing that smile."

"Someone your age don't stop to talk to three year olds."

Silence stretched across the field.

"You are too quiet for your own good. You remind me of my little cousin, except for the fact that he doesn't insult me."

I would rather not make quick conclusions of who the cousin is. It might not be a certain Uchiha whose name starts with an 'I' and ends with an 'I'.

I hummed in response.

"You are one strange kid. Let's go to a dango shop so we can talk more. I am in need of a conversation partner. Talking to all the Uchiha is like talking to a wall, I swear," he said dramatically, throwing his hands up into the air, "My treat!"

I blinked.


Ah.. Shisui my baby...

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