Chapter 32

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Once I reached the Hokage building, I handed in my mission report, a parchment I had filled in along the way back to Konoha, to the chunin at the mission table.

"Do you want to go grab something to eat?" Shisui asked and I squinted at the Sun, realizing that it was directly above me. The mission had taken roughly four hours, and the travelling had taken up half of that.

"No, thanks." I replied. "I have something I want to talk to the Hokage about."

Shisui paused, looking at me, before the usual smile appeared on his face. "Okay, then! I'll just have to have my lunch alone like a retired old man in a nursing home."

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics before walking towards the Hokage's doors. "Let's have dinner together then. I'll invite Naruto too." So Shisui could also suffer by listening to the blonde complain non-stop about his perverted teacher.

"Come in." The hokage said from inside the door before I could knock.

"Do you have a minute?" I asked, sliding into the spacious room. Looking at the hokage once more, I was reminded of the last time that I had seen him.


I entered the living room, giving Inoichi and my 'dad' my freshly baked chocolate cakes and green tea.

"Bought this from the shop down the corner." I said, fully knowing that the hokage was aware of who owned the shop.

"Sit down, Naka, we have something to talk to you about." The hokage replied instead.

"It's about your... dreams, Naka-chan." Inoichi said, giving me a sympathetic smile. "Are you still having those?"

Ah, the dreams. Of course there were no dreams, I had lied about them.

But... what were those dreams supposed to be about again?

My eyebrows scrunched up in thought. It was the future of Konoha, right? It was the Akatsuki... something about puppets... and was that all there was?

I gave a groan, the situation finally dawning onto me.

"No, I haven't. Not for years." I conceded.

Inoichi and the Third shared a look and the blonde moved forward, a comforting smile on his face. "Please let me have a look inside your head again, it won't hurt."

Once Inoichi had placed his hand on my head, he found himself sucked into a familiar setting he had seen six years ago. There were three doors, like usual.

He spotted a familiar brunette who hadn't aged a day since he last saw her staring at the second door, her eyes unmoving.

"Hello, Julie." He greeted after raking through his head for her foreign name.

The girl in question simply pointed to the small lock on the second door. "Do you have the key?" She asked, her voice raspier than he had remembered.

"No, I don't." He shook his head, walking to stand next to Julie, both of them staring at the lock, perplexed.

"It's been locked for years." She said, more of a guess. Julie didn't really understand the concept of time after being stuck in Naka's head for so long, but even she knew it was a long time.

"The memory of her dreams is being locked." Inoichi muttered to himself. "Is she suffering from memory loss?"

"The lock is not the scary part." Julie said. "I caught the door fading in and out several times."

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