Chapter 16

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"Daddy!" The little girl squealed with joy as she quickly ran out of the door to her home's front garden into a tall man's welcoming arms. The man twirled her around in the air, her short wavy brown hair flying with the motion. "You're home!"

The man with wild brown hair grinned at the sight of his daughter laughing, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Yes, I am. Did you miss me?" He settled the girl on the floor and pulled her in for a hug, her face pressed against his bakery's apron that smelled faintly of freshly baked pies and chocolate cakes.

"Yeah! Mom was on phone all day," she pouted.

"Sorry, dearie," a woman emerged from the front door, her face expressionless but her brown eyes were tired and apologetic. The mom's gaze turned to her husband.

"Difficult case?" He asked her with an understanding smile.

"The radiologist wanted to consult with me. I might have to go to the hospital tomorrow to visit my patient." The woman replied, a sigh escaping her thin lips.

The man pulled the woman into the hug with their daughter in the middle.

"I know the perfect thing to cheer you two lovely ladies up." He held up a plastic bag with a paper box inside. "The chocolate cake I baked with all my heart!"

The girl jumped with joy and the mom broke into a small smile.

"You bake the best chocolate cake, daddy!" The brunette cheered.

"I know," He replied with a soft smile. "I'm glad you enjoy it, Julie."




Julie Julie Julie Julie Juli-

"Naka! Naka! Na-"

I sprang up in my bed with a gasp, my head hitting Naruto's. He fell to the floor with an oomph.

"We're going to be late for school, Naka! 10 more minutes until the school starts!" Naruto scrambled up from his position on the floor. "I'll use the bathroom first!"

Watching as Naruto ran out of the room, I brought my right hand up to run through my messy brown hair that was drenched in sweat, breathing in and out to calm my rapidly beating heart.

Was that a sweet dream? Or a nightmare?

I blinked back the tears and swallowed the lump in my throat. For the first time in five years, I could remember how my parents looked like. My dad, with an easy going smile that matched his blue eyes and messy brown hair. My mom, with straight black hair and tired brown eyes.

They were my parents of sixteen years. The ones who loved and cared for me. And I... I missed them.

Glancing around my empty bedroom, a faint smell of chocolate cakes lingered.


"Your opponent is 8 km away from you, standing at your 10 o'clock, and the wind speed is 5 m/s to your right. What must be the speed of the kunai that you throw to hit your opponent in exactly 0.9 seconds?" I read the question aloud, before writing down the mathematics formula and calculations.

I glanced to my right to see Shikamaru sleeping, his head resting on the table. His answer sheet was completely answered but without any workings. I glanced to my left to see Naruto also sleeping like Shikamaru, except that his answer sheet was completely blank.

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