Chapter 8

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Warning: Mild child abuse. Not too graphic though.


I woke up earlier than usual. I remembered dreaming, but I didn't remember what exactly happened. Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I shrugged it off.

Today was the dreaded October 10th. Naruto would be turning four years old.

I didn't know what to give him for his birthday. I didn't have any money on me. At all. To be honest, I had considered stealing a cup of ramen from the shop I walked by the other day.

I had considered stealing many times. Let it be food, drinks, or clothes. In my defense, I almost had nothing to lose already.

I wasn't goody two shoes either. Moral codes didn't matter much to me. At least not in this life where I would soon be forced to kill as part of a village pride.

But I decided against it, knowing that it would be a bad example for Naruto.

I sighed, walking to drawer. There must be at least something in there that I could make use of.

So I dug my drawer, emptied it, which wasn't much of a work to begin with. There was barely anything there. Most of the things were hand me downs, and many of the things I had had before were given to the younger ones, which I honestly didn't mind.

What I had left were an extra shirt, which I would prefer to wear next week, a pair of pants, two books that I had yet to return to the matron's room and a handkerchief.

I picked up the handkerchief, examining it. It was fairly large and light blue, but its edges turned slightly yellow. I remembered always carrying it around when I was younger.

My lips curved into a small smile as I stood up, the handkerchief in one hand.

This would do.


I wandered to the playground, shyly walking to the sandbox.

Some children turned to stare at my battered clothes and my disheveled face, before going back to what they were doing. Occasionally, some adults would frown at my appearance and tried to discreetly move their children away from me.

I tried not to look at them, and squatted down. I grabbed two handfuls of sand and stuffed it in my pocket.

Only when I stood up did I realize that my pants pocket had holes in them.

So I walked to the bin and scrunched up my nose. My hand scavenged through the bin, before fishing out a plastic cup.

That would make things easier.

Using the cup, I scooped up the sand before walking out of the playground, ignoring the stares of the judgmental adults.


"Hey, Naka," Shikamaru greeted from his usual spot on the tea shop roof.

"Shikamaru, you're early," I sat down next to him.

"So are you."

"Ah." I replied.

Silence stretched as we watched the clouds move.

"Shikamaru," I started. "Do you have a sewing kit?"

Shikamaru turned to me and blinked. "A sewing kit?"


"I think my mom does." He stood up. "Let's go and I'll help you get it."

I followed him. "Now?"

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