Chapter 12

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"I need you to train me." I said, breaking the silence.

Across from my seat, Shisui looked up from his dango plate and blinked. "What?" He asked dumbly with his mouth full.

"You heard me," I said flatly. "I need you to train me."

He continued staring at me, as if expecting something.

I sighed. "...Please."

The boy grinned. "Well, since you asked me nicely, sure!"

I blinked in mild surprise. "That's it? No bargains, no deals? I don't have to give you anything? You're just going to train me?"

He shrugged. "Take it as a gift from a friend. I was kind of expecting you to ask me sooner or later, judging from the books you borrowed the day before. Just not this soon." He gave a sheepish smile. "And sometimes I get envious of Itachi who gets to train and show off his little brother."

He twirled his dango stick around and pointed it at me. "But if I'm going to train you, there are some things you need to know. It's not going to be easy, in fact, it' going to be harsh. If I give you a set of instructions, I expect you to complete them accordingly without fail. Even when I'm on missions or clan meetings, you cannot slack off. And you have to be serious about it."

I nodded. If I wanted to become a shinobi, then I would have to become stronger. What better time to start than now?

"One last thing." Shisui said smoothly. "You have to call me Shisui-senpai."

I shook hands with him. "Deal."


Shisui took me to a secluded training area, the very same one I lost myself into about a year ago. It was quite near to the Uchiha compound. He comfortably sat under a shady tree, gesturing me to stand in the middle of the field.

"So, tell me. What do you know about chakra?"

"We can skip the theories, Shisui-senpai. I've read about them."

He smirked. "Cocky, aren't you?"

I shrugged. "I just don't want to waste time."

"Then can you do anything with chakra yet?" He asked.

"No. I've felt them on certain occasions, but never been able to utilize or mold them." I answered truthfully.

"Felt them?"

"Yeah. I felt them inside my body. It was like a river of... energy, flowing inside of me slowly and steadily. Whenever you use some kind of jutsu in front of me, the energy tingles a little."

I was able to differentiate chakra, given that I never had it in my body in my past life.

"Show me what you can do."

I stared. "What I can do?"

"Chakra will be another level, so let's start off with simple physical training. You know? The training protocol for shinobi. The warm-ups. Sit ups, push-ups and running around the field."

I had read about the training protocol. There is one for every rank. Academy student, genin, chunin, jounin. It consists of the warm up requirements and the list of basic jutsu that the shinobi should be able to complete.

So I started off with sit ups and push-ups.

"35 sit ups and 27 push-ups per minute." Shisui muttered. "That is positively civilian."

I gave him a stink eye. "Well, I'm sorry I'm not born into a clan family."

If he had noticed the sarcasm, he ignored it. Shisui waved it off. "We can fix that, don't worry. Now run around the field."

I started jogging away, raising my voice so Shisui could hear me. "Run for how long?"

"Until your legs give out."

I enjoyed running in my past life. I wasn't the fastest in class but my speed was above average. What I lacked was stamina.

I followed Shisui's instructions, running until I couldn't run anymore.

I didn't even last two hours. I collapsed onto the field right in front of a napping Shisui, my face hitting the dry land.

"Shisui..." I murmured tiredly into the field. His eyes remained close.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Shisui-senpai." His eyes slowly opened.

"That was one hour and twenty seven minutes." I heard him sigh. "A civilian can easily beat you."

He noted my exhausted form. My shirt was drenched in sweat, my hair was all over the place and so wet that some were sticking to my face in clumps. Lactic acid was freezing my legs in place and the air inside my throat was cold. I was too tired to move.

Shisui shook his head lightly before reaching into his backpack, bringing out four weights.

"Two of these are 2kg, the other two 1kg. Tie them around your arms and legs and go everywhere with them."

When it seemed like I wasn't going to move to retrieve the weights, he bent down and tied the heavier ones around my ankles, the lighter ones on my wrists.

"I used to train with them when I was younger, but I'm still not giving these to you. Return them to me when I give you the heavier ones."

He stood up and swung his backpack onto his back. I tilted my head to my right to look at him staring down at me. His eyes hardened and he turned his back to me.

"Your lesson today is to be independent. Not everyone is going to be there for you when you need them. Have a safe trip home, Naka-chan."

Shisui started walking away and I could only watch as he disappeared from my view, leaving me lying there with no energy left in my body.

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