Chapter 16: Tell Them! Pt.2

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Y/n : Your Name
N/n : Nick Name
F/f : Favorite Food
F/r : Favorite Restaurant
F/c : Favorite Color
C/n : Cat Name
W/n : Wolf Name
S/f/c : Second Favorite Color
H/c : Hair Color
H/l : Hair Length
E/c : Eye Color
F/d : Favorite Drink
F/c/f : Favorite Cake Flavor
F/m : Favorite Movie
F/t/s : Favorite TV Show

~More will be added as we go along~

Y/n Pov

We were the first ones to be at the mall. Travis followed shortly after. "Hey Travis." I said waving. "Hey Y/n. Aaron." He said. "Hey guys!" Laurence and Garroth came up with Lucinda and Cadenza and Zane . "Oh Y/n I forgot to give you this." Aaron gave me a flower. "OH NO!" Travis yelled grabbing his head. "What is it Travis?" asked Cadenza. "I forgot to get Katelyn and flower!" He yelled pacing back and forth. " I looked at my flower. "Go ahead." I heard Aaron say. "What?" I looked at him. "I know you want to. Go ahead." He said. "Thank you Aaron." I smiled. I looked to Travis. He was pacing back and forth. "Travis." I said. He didn't look up. "Travis. Here." I handed him the flower. He looked up at me. "B-But Aaron gave this to you." He said looking to Aaron then to me. "You need it more then me. Besides we want to help you." I smiled. "T-Thank you! I could kiss you guys!" Travis shot up. "Um no. Go hug Zane instead." I said moving out of the way. "WHAT!?" Zane yelled. "Come here Zane!" He ran over to Zane and hugged him. "Get off me!!" Zane shouted. Just then Aphmau, Katelyn, Kawaii-Chan, Reese, and Michi showed up. "Um. Travis why are you hugging Zane?" Katelyn asked. "I'm showing my affection to Y/n and Aaron!" He said squeezing Zane harder. "Let go of me!" Travis finally let go. Michi walked over to Zane. She was looking him up and down. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Michi is looking at you to see if your hot!" "Wow. Shallow aren't you?" He asked. "I just have high standards. You are really pale but you'll do." She shrugged. "Ugh." He sighed. Everyone else showed up. "Hey Katelyn. Here." He handed her the flower. "Oh. Thanks Travis." She said blushing a bit. "Are we ready to go?" He asked everyone. "Yeah. Where to?" I asked. "First we go to the arcade and then we go to the restaurant!" "OK! Let's go!" I said. Everyone went ahead. "After you." Aaron said and gestured for me to go.

*Time Skip to the arcade*

We made it to the arcade. "I didn't dress to come for an arcade." Said Lucinda slightly annoyed. "Don't worry, after the arcade I have reservations at a restaurant." Travis reassured. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's play some games!" Aphmau said. "First I need to go to the bathroom." Lucinda said. "Yeah!" All the girls said. They all walked into the bathroom except for Aphmau and myself. 

Lucinda Pov

"Uggh! Why didn't Y/n and Aphmau follow us!?" I said looking out of the bathroom doorway. "Probably cause they know we would talk about Y/n and Aaron." Katelyn replied. "But why wouldn't- never-mind." I shook the thought off. "So ladies! I have some potions if anybody wants any luck with their date!" I said sing-song like holding a potion. "Lucinda! Put those away!" Cadenza said. "Awe fine. But if any one of you needs one. I'm your girl." I winked them. They all shook their heads and left. Michi stayed behind. "Hey Lucinda?" She said. "Yes Michi?" "Michi, would like like one your potions." She said grinning. "OK. But so help me Irene if you use against any of my friends, I will find you." I said looking her dead in the eyes. "Nya!" She squeaked. 

Michi Pov

I grabbed one of Lucinda's potions and she left. I grabbed her potion and one of my own. I was going to use one of them. I wanted to get the attention of that hunk Aaron. I just need to get him away from Y/n. I thought then left the bathroom and walked to Zane. 

*Time Skip to when you are playing games*

Y/n Pov

"HA! I win again!" I shouted and did a victory dance. "That's not fair you cheated!" Aaron said pointing at me. "Awe is upset dat I beat dem again." I said making a pouty face and baby voice crossing my arms over me. Aaron crossed his arms too. "...maybe." I laughed. He did too. We smiled at each other. "Seems like you two are having fun!" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see Aphmau and Vlyad. She winked at me. I smiled. "Yeah! He's a such a sore loser!" I giggled. "HEY!" he shouted. We all laughed. "Are having fun Vlyad?" "Hmm? OH! Yeah! I'm having a blast!" He said smiling. "I'm going to get a prize that I won with all my tickets!" I said waving them in Aaron's face. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Ok. I'll be here with these guys." He smiled back.

*Time skip to a couple minutes after you go to get a prize*

Michi Pov

Finally! Y/n and Aaron are apart! I drink my potion which turns me into Y/n. I look at myself. Hmm not  bad. I shrug. I walk towards Aaron. Aphmau and Vlyad must have left. "Hey Aaron." I say sweetly. "Hey Y/n. I thought you went to go get a prize?" He said pointing towards the prizes. "Oh uh. I didn't see anything." I giggled. "Oh. Ok so do you want to-" I cut him off. I grabbed his face and pulled him in and kissed him. He grabbed my waist. Hehe perfect!  "Aaron?" We heard. We turned and saw Y/n. I snickered and looked at myself. I was back to myself. Dang it! I knew I should have made it longer!

Y/n Pov

I walked back from the prize booth to the spot Aaron was waiting. I looked down at my prize. I had chosen a little stuffed dog. It looked exactly W/n. I smiled. When I looked up to see Aaron I saw something that I never wanted to see! I dropped my stuffed dog. Aaron was kissing Michi.


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