Chapter 38: Problems

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Y/n : Your Name
N/n : Nick Name
F/f : Favorite Food
F/r : Favorite Restaurant
F/c : Favorite Color
C/n : Cat Name
W/n : Wolf Name
S/f/c : Second Favorite Color
H/c : Hair Color
H/l : Hair Length
E/c : Eye Color
F/d : Favorite Drink
F/c/f : Favorite Cake Flavor
F/m : Favorite Movie
F/t/s : Favorite TV Show
F/a : Favorite Animal
F/a/c : Favorite Anime Character

~More will be added as we go along~

Y/n Pov

"It's so good to see you!" Jason says walking over to me and hugging me. 

"It's good to see you too.." I say not hugging back. He backed off.

"Look I know I'm the last person you want to see right now..." He started but I cut him off. I slapped him.

"YOU THINK! You cheated on me(A/n MY BEST FRIEND! Who isn't my best friend anymore." I said frustrated. 

"I deserve that...but I know and that was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life! But I swear I have changed!" He said trying to reassure me and rubbing his face where I slapped him.

"That's what they all say!" I yell back.

"I swear! I have changed! Here let me take you to lunch." He said. I thought for a minute.

"Fine but so help me Irene! If you do ANYTHING..." He cut me off.

"I know, you'll break me." He said smiling but out of fear.

"Good...let me go get dressed." I say and walk upstairs.

Aaron Pov

"THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!" Jax yelled. "But I'm hungry and tired." He said yawning. We all chuckled. 

"Well how about we go back to the house and change then go and eat." I said. All the guys nodded their heads and so did Jax.

~Time Skip to when they are already dressed and you and Jason are at the cafe and the boys arrive~

Y/n Pov

Ok...Maybe Jason has changed. But that doesn't mean I forgive him. We were talking about what was happening in our lives and he was talking.

"So after that I went to a camp for about three weeks." He stated.

"That's cool!" I said. I moved my hand slightly on the table. My ring glimmered.

Jason Pov

I looked at her smiling. I forgot how beautiful she was. I was planning on getting back together with her. Hopefully she'll take me back. I looked down at her hand when I saw something glimmer.

"What's that?" I ask pointing at her hand.

"Hm? Oh that's my ring." She smiling at it.

"Um. I didn't know you were married." I said slightly angry.

"Well I'm not married yet. I'm engaged to my fiance Aaron. He's out with our friends and kids right now." She said like nothing was wrong.

"KIDS!?" I said shocked.

"Their adopted." She said. I relaxed a little bit but still.

I was angry at this point. I stood up in my seat.

"You ok?" She asked looking at me. 

"NO! You didn't tell me you were married or had kids! I WAS going to ask if we..." I was cut off by a male voice.

"Y/n?" There was a guy walking towards us. He had a bunch of other guys behind him and a kid on his shoulders.

"Aaron!" She said happily. I clenched my fists. She got up and hugged him and the kid. "Hey guys!" She said waving to the other guys. They all waved back. I cleared my throat.

"Oops. Sorry. Jason this is my fiance Aaron. Aaron this is...Jason." She says after nothing.

"Nice to meet you." Aaron says holding out his hand for me to shake. I stare at his hand for a second then shake it.

"You too..." I say through gritted teeth.

*Sorry it has been a while....I have no excuse....I'm just lazy...I'M SORRY!!!! Well....what will happen next? DUN DUN DUN!!!! I want to know how your guys' day was. If it was good or bad. Maybe I can help if it was bad!<3 See you in the next chapter! Peace out my dudes!<3*

This idea was inspired by @DizzyCricket and @MaddyChan <3

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