Chapter 3

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It's been three days since the death of our Alpha and pregnant Luna. The pack has been out of work and school since the disaster. Everyone in my house as been silent. The funeral was was lovely and beautiful but one of the most painful days of my life. No one has decided who will be the next alpha. Fay still doesn't know the cause of death but is working hard to figure it out.

After the meeting the council met again and discussed if they would pick the next in line or choose a different member of the pack completely. As for now we are all just trying to stay as normal as possible.

All I know is I have to run. I've been cooped up in this house because everyone, like me, wants to run off there pain. But my parents, as always, have made sure I stay in the house, even though they hardly pay attention to me they have their ways. Last night my parents helped clean out alphas house and they found his will. I'm not sure what it says but the council met up last night again, after the will was discovered everything is changed.

I step quietly out of the house, it's early, hardly 8 and my father's out meeting with the council and my moms still in bed...she almost didn't make it to the funeral. I'll go deep in the woods, like I usually do, hopefully no one will bother running today until later. I close the door behind me, carrying a change of clothes to replace the stash I already have hidden in a tree out there.

I turn from the door and bump into someone, gasping quietly. When I turn to the person, who feels like a wall, I'm met with Logan's calm brown eyes "hey" he says looking down on me and I smile wearily

"Hey" I say softly

"What are you doing up so early?" He asks running his tan hand through his spiked dirty blonde hair, I'm surprised at his new hair style usually it rests on his forehead

"I could say the same to you, what are you doing here?" I ask hoping he won't ask if I'm about to go for a run

"I came to see you, I've got to tell you something...-" He looks me over "are you about to go for a run?" He asks

I grimace at the question "um....yeah"

He smirks "I won't even ask to come, even though I'd love to" his eyes turn a shade darker "anyways I came here to tell you I might be the next Alpha" he stands taller as he finishes his sentence while I stand in shock

"What? Why?" I ask and his eyebrows furrow

"I have alpha blood in me, it would only be natural when I turn 18....Lucian didn't have an heir and only has a Sister, your Mother, who has two female Daughters" he explains but I'm still shocked "even though your dad is second in command the council voted against it..." I know that didn't make my Father happy

"What about his will?" I ask, would Lucian want Logan to be the next alpha? Did he write something in on who would take over if this happened?

"The council is going over it now, my dad said they probably won't be anything in it" he says but all I can do is nod

"Wow....I don't know what to say" I tell him moving a silver strand from my face, my feet moving side to side as I get antsy...I really want to run.

"You'll have something to say in the next couple of days" he tells me but my eyebrows pull to together and I tilt my head, the strand of hair I pushed back falling back in my face

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