Chapter 29

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I feel an ice cold droplet fall down my face and a chill rolls down my back. Coldness surrounds me and my body begins to shiver. I open my eyes slowly to a dimly lit room, Lolly is sitting next to me. I'm laid out on a bed, rags with frigid water lays over the exposed sections of my skin. Even though the water causes chills bumps to appear on my skin my inner body is blazing.

"What happened?" I asked slowly, trying to ignore the discomfort

"You've been out for an entire day" she tells me and my eyes widen

"Maddox" I whisper "I have to tell him where I am, he's probably freaking out" I say in a rush, moving to stand

I'm shocked to have her push me back in the bed "you're not going anywhere" she says "it's not safe to be around unmates alphas right now, Alpha Maddox thankfully dismissed the three alphas that came yesterday"

"What do you mean it's not safe? Maddox is my mate he would never hurt me" that's the first time I've said that and my heart skips a beat

This time her eyes widen and she sighs somberly "oh my dear...there is much your parents never told you." she shakes her head and begins to get up

"No! Please." Tears swell up in my eyes "you said you would tell me...I need to know" my body only grows hotter with every emotion swirling around

She sighs and looks me over. "Alright" she sighs "Amaris" is all she says

I raise an eyebrow "yes...that's my middle name" I shrug not getting her point

"Do you know what it means?" She asks matter of factly. She doesn't wait for my answer "child of the moon" she says "and that's what you are"

At this point she sounds crazy "aren't we all? Werewolves, that's kinda our thing"

"Silly child, the prophecy" she shakes her head "the black female wolf will be the child of our god of the moon. He will come down in a unknown form and choose the one to bare the future of our species" she says and my eyes widen

"And...and you think that's me?" I can hardly hear myself talk. My brain starts to hurt and not because I'm extremely hot but because of everything I'm hearing

She laughs lightly "oh child I know it's you. Do you know any other black female wolves?" She asks and I shake my head

"But my father and mother they are just normal werewolves" I tell her, my body shaking

"Your mother was chosen, she was chosen by the mood god before she met your father. They kept it from you all these years. They came to me after they realized what you were and they made me promise to never tell a soul and they would keep you in the dark about it"

Tears stain my cheeks. They kept this from me my whole life. Made me feel like the weakest and most disgusting werewolf ever in existence. "So what am I?"

"The future my dear" she grabs my wrist and turns it over to reveal the small crescent birthmark "this child is the mark from the moon god signifying you as the true powerful mother. The future generation of alphas will come from your womb, they will be the strongest, fastest, and bravest to ever live. They will come from powerful bloodlines of alphas, they will have a new-" she starts

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