Chapter 27

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Waking up the next morning with the first light of day streaming in I wake up alone. Moving my silver hair from my face I turn over to see a note placed on his pillow.

'Good morning my love,
Didn't want to wake you but my Father called me to tell me he needed me...he's still worried about the allied alphas coming. I'll pick you up after school and you will be right there by my side...where I need you. Peter will take you to school.
Have a good day Everly

I smile at the note but know if I don't get up now I'll be late. I jump up and throw on some jeans and a Tshirt from the closet...still shocked I have a closet here, with the alpha, and with the man I love. I think back on last night and have decided to blame it on my raging hormones. Realization hits me as I think about my birthday. It's in two days...I'll be 18 and I'll have a mate. Maddox has to be. I almost just want to ask him, force him to tell me he's my mate but I'll wait it out. I want to look into his eyes that morning and know he's the one. At this point I know he wouldn't be with me unless I was his mate.

I grab an apple for breakfast and head out the door. The air is surprisingly warm as I step outside, making me wish I had worn shorts. I sigh feeling the same ferverish feeling I've felt for the past 12 hours. I brush it off hoping it's just from the stress of everything. Birds fly over the pack and other pack members and classmates walk out of there homes to head to school. I walk over to Peters house and honestly I'm surprised he's not by the car waiting for me. As I pass I see into the window of the kitchen.

Lena and Peter are laughing and smiling as they throw pancake mix at each other, both already covered in the white powder. Peter grabs Lena before she throws a huge hand full and spins her around, connecting there lips through laughs. I can't help but smile and slowly turn away. I don't want to interrupt. Besides, the walk to school isn't too bad.

I head out down the trail I used to take and enjoy the old scenery. I wonder if I have time to run...I look down at my phone; I do have 40 minutes before schools starts.

I ver off the path and head into the dense woods. I set down my backpack and strip down to nothing. It takes half of a second for me to shift and grow into the black wolf I am. I shake out my new body and let the air rush past my fur. Breathing in the air around me is a completely different experience when I'm like this. It's an indescribably feeling.

I begin my run and let go of my stress and focus on dodging the trees and running until my lungs give out. I stop for a moment to catch my breath. The air is filled with a new scent. I look around for whatever is producing the smell. My eyes land on my worst nightmare a pare of hazel eyes staring back at me. The wolfs hair is black as night, eyes have this evil spark to them and claws digging into the dirt below him. The strangest of eyes are level with his.

I can't move. First Scar now this no doubt Alpha. My parents voices echo in my head. Their repeated fears of me being seen and now two have seen could I be so stupid.

The alpha wolf growls and sniffs the air like a faint smell resonates around the area around him. His lips raise on one side like a smirk showing his sharp white teeth. A small whimper escapes my mouth as I try to find an escape route. The air becomes more enhanced with his scent...the only cause either territorial or lust, my guess is the latter. Before I even have time to figure out my next move he pounces. I quickly turn around and run as fast as my legs will carry me the other way. His paws are silent as they dig at the path my paws leave. With each step our distance closes and I feel him close behind. His hot breath falls across my legs and a second later I feel his teeth graze my leg. I let out a whimper at his attempt to cripple me but with every ounce of power I have I run as fast as I can. I know these back woods and whoever this alpha is is new here.

I quickly cut right down a dense path of trees and thick roots. I hear him loose his grip on the earth and falls over a thick root sticking out of the ground. I don't have time to look back as I'm too busy myself trying not to trip. As soon as I feel I am out of his eye range I quickly turn back into human form.

I fall naked into the ground, the air in my lungs feeling like fire as it travels in and out of my throats at a rapid pace. My vision is blurry and unnoticed tears streak my cheeks as gasps of sobs leave my lips. I feel the warmth of blood trickle down to my ankle, my eyes move to the stinging area to see a bite mark across my calf. One thought in my mind...I out ran an alpha. I hear a twig snap in the near distance and quickly sit up. Ready to shift if needed. But I see Scars Grandmother soft eyes looking down at me. My body shakes as I try to cover myself, not having the energy to speak or hide.

She understands and without a word she walks slowly over to me and drapes her large black cloak over me. Unable to carry me herself she helps me up and I stand on shaky legs. With my arm over her shoulders she leads me in the direction away from the alpha. My bare feet slip over roots and mud but help me stay upright.

I look up to see her home, the home I would play at as a child. She helps me inside and lays me on the couch. Words have yet to be spoken between us as she leaves the warmly lit room and comes back with a wet towel. She wipes the blood from my leg. I cringe but it doesn't stop her.

By the time she's done I see the bite isn't deep and should be healed within the day. Even though the pain has subsided I cry.

"My dear" she says softly and takes my hands away from my tear stained face "you shouldn't have been out there alone" she says

Through grass I answer "I know, my parents made me so careful, how could I have been so stupid! He was going to kill me" I tell her

She frowns and sighs, looking away from my eyes "darling he wasn't trying to kill you....this is a dangerous place and time for you. It's not safe for you here" her kind eyes are stern and concerned "I know what you are the future" she says and my eyes go wide

"What do you mean?" I ask hardly above a whisper

"Your birthday is a day can't stay in this pack especially not now" she tells me and I shake my head

"What are you talking about?" My heart pounds as I stay confused "that alpha was going to kill me because of what I am. That's why no one could know about my wolf" I tell her the same thing I have heard all my life. The weak wolf that everyone would want to get rid of, especially alphas. The stories and threats my parents told me.

"Your whole life is a lie Everly, your parents never told you the truth" she tries to calm me down as my breathing becomes uneven

She takes my wrist and stares down at my birthmark "the crescent moon" she says to herself "you're the future Everly but Scar has spread what you are and any alpha here could know. It's not safe especially with the Alpha convention being today" she repeats

My brain feels heavy. I don't know what any of this means. Tears form once again in my eyes "Stop saying I'm the future. I'm nothing! I'm just a weak female black wolf. I'm not normal and it's not a good thing!" I try to convince her...and myself. I've always felt like I was strong and that it was all a lie but now that the truth is staring me in the face fear is taking hold. I feel weezy all of a sudden and fall back onto the couch.

"You must rest...I've protected your scent around the house. No one will find you here" she stands and comes over to me

"No...I have to go back. Maddox will go crazy if he doesn't know where I am" as I say this my eyes and consciousness fade in and out. A strange feeling taking over my body.

"I'll explain tomorrow...everything. But for today you need rest...the change is already happening" I don't comprehend her words but my eyes roll back and blackness takes over.

So excited for you guys to read the next chapters! Hope you liked this one! More to come and soon
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