Chapter 21

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I get dressed in legging and a T-shirt, knowing I'll be naked from it soon. I'm hoping to avoid all contact with anyone. I want to be completely alone right now.

I walk out of the house and the air feels so nice, the warmth of spring seeping  through the winter clouds. I avoid walking across my yard by going in between the grassy area of my family and Maddoxs house. Once I think I reach the safety of the tree line I hear a somber scream coming from my home. My ears perk up and my head snaps to the home.

My Mother comes running out the back door, my Father chasing after her. Robe pulled loosely around her and tears down her cheeks. "How could she do this to us! After everything we had given her!" My mind instantly thinks she's talking about Victoria but when my Mother spots me and anger darkens her eyes I know it's me "you devil child!" My Mother screams and runs after me but I'm stuck in place in shock and confusion.

She reached me and red hot blotches cover her face "you ruin everything" she cries as I stand there starstruck, her blonde hair is half curled and bounces as she weeps

My Father stares down at me with disgust "You're just going to let this happen? Allow your own family to be kicked out of a pack we've been in longer than you've been fucking the alpha?" My Father spits and I gasp

Tears well up at his comment "this isn't my fault! You lied to him to get Victoria and him together. I had no control over that" I cry

"We did it because we love her, you want to ruin her life and our life" my Mother continues to angrily weep and forcefully grasp my arm

I realise now Maddox sent out the message of what really is final. Even now with my Mother and Father saying these hateful things what hurts more is what Maddox is doing. How he completely disregarded how this is making me feel and the awkward spot it's putting me in.

I rip my arm from my mothers grasp and sprint into the woods, needing space from everyone and everything. I shift as soon as I know I'm out of their sight. My heart speeds at the shift and I howl. Never in my life have I howled loud enough for anyone to hear. Afraid of someone hearing and coming after me. But my brain isn't thinking. My howl is loud and sorrowful, the pain evident in the echos.

I don't have time to regret it, I just continue to run. I run from edge to edge of the pack, staying near the border but far enough so the border control warriors don't see me. I let my mind wonder to the past months. From waking up one morning and having Lucian and May as our alpha and luna, the pack as it has been the past 17 years to shifting to what it has become. Me and the roller coaster with Maddox, Logan, and Scarlet drama, my family fighting for Victoria's spot in the Alphas heart and now this, the pain in my heart from letting Maddox have so much effect over me.

What feels like minutes later I finally give my black paws a rest and lean against a tree. My dark fur rubbing against the thick bark and soothing my muscles. I look around and try to figure out where I am so I know where to find some clothes. I walk slowly around the trees and allow the sounds of nature to fill my head instead of my thoughts.

I find a stash of my clothes and change back into human form. I instantly miss the strength and power I felt that my wolf brings me. I look down at my small weak human body and fight back tears, feeling the emotions hit me once again.

I wipe them away and quickly get dressed...but where to go? I still don't want to be around anyone. I sigh and adjust my shirt, throwing my silver hair into a high ponytail.

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