Chapter 32

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*2023. Trigger warning. I've received comments on the following twist to be offensive. Further author comment after chapter is done.

I take a seat on a bench next to a mom with a small and adorable little girl. Her curly blond hair bounces as she giggles sitting on a Barbie suitcase. She looks over at me and blushes, I smile and she waves and giggles again. I look away with a smile but it soon turns into a million different emotions when my eyes are met with big brown ones.

It's feels like a lifetime since I've seen those eyes. The air is knocked out of my lungs and I'm glued in my seat.

Logan stands in the distance, hidden in the tree line, he looks directly at me with sad eyes. He motions for me to come but I still can't move. I feel myself shake my head.

"Everly please" he uses my full name as a whisper...but I hear

Do I trust him? He ran off with Scar to find her. I was told she never let him catch up. This is my chance to leave this life behind...but I have to know why he's here. I stand slowly and on wobbly legs. I feel a few eyes move to me as I walk across the road and into the trees.

By the time I make it Logan has walked deeper, hiding him and me from the bus station. He turns to me and his face is sullen. "Hey" he whispers

I hear myself say hello but I don't register it. I'm still in shock. "How have you been?"

"Seriously?" I ask "not good" my shock turns into anger "How's Scar been? Spreading to every alpha what I am to ruin my life" I spit

"I'm sorry Everly" he says slowly "I know it's wrong but...-" he trails off

"Why are you here?" I demand


"He came because I told him to" a new voice echos in my ear behind me and I quickly turn around, my knees almost give out at who I see

My best friend stands there, eyes filled with hate and anger. Curls and clothes messy and dirty. Her skin looks pale and sickly. "Scar" I breath out hardly audible

She smirks and I turn around to Logan "how could you" the last of my breath goes into these words

He looks away from me "don't speak to him!" She says loudly "he's mine, not under your slut control anymore" she says and lifts up her shirt to reveal a mate mark

"What do you want?" I say backing away, closer to Logan. She watches my movement and then nods. I feel a hand on one shoulder and a sharp pain on the other side of my neck. I gasp and reach up to feel only a pin prick of blood but the pain brings me to my knees. I look around to see Logan holding a needle, his eyes full of guilt.

"Thought it was pretty obvious" she begins makes big steps over to me as I sway on my knees fighting to keep up "you to become exactly what you truly are" she says "In truth I'm helping you get to your full potential" she smirks and laughs as she finishes out her sentence. I try to shift. To become the truly powerful wolf I am, heal and either run away or kill her. But I can't.

"What did you do to me" I breath out

"Let's just say you won't be shifting for a little while" she laughs

My head feels like twenty bricks sit on top. My vision blurs and moves in and out of focus. "We were best friends Scar-" she cuts me off

"You're right we were. But now after what you have become" her face is full of disgust "you will be the death of all mates" she spits "you will come along to every unmated alpha and seduce them before their true mate can even compete. Do you see how savage and disgusting you are!"

"I didn't choose this! I don't want it! Do you think I don't want a mate?!" I scream reaching for the burner phone Victoria gave me. If I could just get her on the line

Before I can open it up Logan snatches my hand away and takes it from me. Along with my backpack. He says nothing but brings it to Scar "we won't be needed that anymore" she laughs and crushes the phone

My heart pounds "so what now?" I swallow trying to take deeper breaths "Kill me? Feed me off to some alphas?" my fear is being taken over by my anger at how she ruined my life because of who I am

She smirks "well first to give you off to the highest bidder, then hide you away until his pup is born then keep the lovely train going."

"Why?" At her pan tears come to my eyes

She pauses and looks at me "because I know you" she says "and this is the worst possible thing...just like you tried to do to me, take away the one thing I wanted"

"Maddox-....he'll...he'll come for me" I tell her now needing a hand on the ground to support me. What was in that needle. I try to shift one more time but it's no use.

She actually laughs "what about when his true mate comes?" She says and my heart breaks at those words "no one will ever care enough about you, you are a tool to get the stronger race of alphas"

I try to tell myself that's not true but I can't help but feel like maybe it is. How long will it be until Maddox knows what I am? Does he already know? Has his father told him his plan? Will he be angry with me? Will he be glad I'm gone and move on to finding his real mate? All these questions because of Scarlett's words.

I don't know what to do next I only have one more play "I spoke to your father" I tell her and she freezes, Logan looks to her "he knows what you're doing"

"He- it doesn't matter." She shakes her head. I know how much she loves her father. After loosing her mother he was all she had.

"He told me you're mother would be so disappointed" I say with all my strength

Her eyes widen and her mouth parts "shut up! They don't matter! What matters is you suffer for what you are" she says "my father lost his mate just like you tried to do me" a growl escapes her "you should have never tried to steal Logan from me" her voice softens "he's all I have"

"Scar-" Logan begins

"No stop" she puts her hand up "I've forgiven you once for being on her side don't make me do it again" she growls and he nods and kisses her forehead

I fight the urge to gag. Just my two childhood friends trying to tear apart my life.

A new scent forms in the air and all three of us can smell it. It's familiar but I can't put my finger on it. "Aw" Scar says with a smile "here comes the highest bidder" she laughs and out of the corner of my eye I watch someone come in

His eyes send shivers down my spine. I should have known. Herk strolls in with a wicked smirk and his eyes run over me. His hand tighten at his side and he holds his breath. "Almost unbearable" He cringes as his eyes hold shut

Scar rolls her eyes "ridiculous" she says "come on, let's go" she says and I try to crawl away but Logan grabs me

He lifts me up and in my ear whispers "I'm sorry" I don't let the tears that well up in my eyes fall

As we begin the walk to wherever I notice Herks eyes never leaving me. My body shivers in fear. I fight the urge to scream for help but I know for one my voice won't allow me and two no one would come.

Hi everyone, so I I'm writing this note now in 2023, almost 6 years after I wrote this story. I understand the world has changed a lot, as have I as I have grown up. I understand this topic might not be for everyone but this is just a story on Wattpad that a 17 year old girl wrote 6 years ago. Am I promoting this agenda of a 'breeder' or r@pe, no, but I was young and wanted to write a different story than the typical. If you do decide to finish the book I can assure you nothing offensive happens. I am looking to update this book so if you have any suggestions to change this twist to something else that would work, please comment.

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