Chapter 23

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We hear a loud sound to the left and both turn our heads. A moving truck is pulling out of my parents driveway, my family no where in sight. Unconsciously I walk over to my yard. Lena follows slowly behind me. The front door swings open and I glance into the empty space.

The memories in this house filling my head. From the time I was young, Victoria and I playing together when she didn't dispise me. Memories of my family yelling at me for not being good enough, being the weak creature I am, or me simply being near them. But also the memory of Maddox kissing me for the first time on this porch, the dinner we had together, and the time he saw me in hardly anything through my window the day he got here. My heart races at the thought and I find it hard to hate this house.

I take one walk through the house, remembering and letting go...I deserve closure. I trail the steps up to my room, the place I found shelter and comfort. It's mostly empty. My bed is missing and some of my clothes have been moved to my parents house. I Guess Maddox is moving the rest in with him. The thought of my crazy family leaves my head as I think about the future. A future with Maddox. I don't let myself worry about telling him I'm a black wolf one day or him possibly not being my mate...I let myself dream of a simple life.

I walk out of the house to see Lena waiting for me. She smiles softly at me "you ok?" She asks and I nod

"I'm ok" I actually smile, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders

She hugs me and we lead off the porch and into the forrest; heading in the direction of my family's new home. We walk through the woods slowly and along with the rest of this day my head is filled with memories. My different experiences in the woods flow across my eyes. From my first shift, my mothers and fathers face in complete shock and horror...the shame and confusion I went through after their explanation. I think back to the times in the beginning where Maddox found me here. And just the many times I've run secretly and alone in the woods...thinking and being myself.

The worst memory of all comes to mind...Scars wolfs eyes staring deep into my soul after I changed. Her knowing what I am. I shiver at the memory which quickly shifts into that night she jumped out of my window...her terrible words echoing as my room fills with flames.

Suddenly I'm very glad to have Lena with me....every noise makes me jump at the thought of Scar coming back. The rest of the time we walk mostly in silence, a few words shared here and there but we both enjoy the beautiful weather and calming silence.

As we come upon the small and quaint cottage I want to laugh. My Mother probably hates the look of this. She would much rather prefer our old home, it was much bigger and more modern. But I love this. The moving truck is here and two men lift the couch down from the back and walk slowly into the house. My Father is outside telling them to be careful and watching their every move.  I assume Victoria and my Mother are in the house...I suspect one to be crying.

I look over at Lena and she smiles reassuringly "you got this" she whispers and I nod, hoping I'll have some peace out of this and can get past the things they have done

My Father walks back in without seeing me. I take a deep breath and slowly walk the path up to the door. The movers come out and almost hit us, they leave the door open and I stand at the doorway. I hear my Mother and Father talking quietly somewhere. And I step in.

Footsteps lead out from a hallway to reveal Victoria. She looks shocked to see me. Her hair isn't in its usual perfect styling. Her face is makeup free and she's in lazy clothes. "What are you doing here?" She asks and for once her voice isn't full of malice.

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