Chapter 11

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It's been a day since Logan's birthday and I've been locked in my room. My parents and Sister haven't bursted in with rage and hateful remarks so I'm sure Scar or Logan hasn't said what happened in the mind like. Not that I would know.

I get up and start to do my usual school routine. I dress in casual attire, tired after this weekend. I wonder if either of them will be at school. Karen has yet to give me any word on what's happening. I sigh and throw my silvered hair into a long ponytail. My eyes catch my reflection and I look over my face, as expected I'm almost completely healed, my face still has a red tint and is swollen slightly, my jaw still aches a little. But other than that I'm back to normal. I look away and grab my bag, reaching for the door.

I gasp when my door flies open and almost hits me in the face. I jump back and look who barged in, Victoria.

"I can't fucking believe you, I swear you disgust me. Dad and mom are pissed, just wait" she sneers and I'm stunned at what she's saying

"What are you talking about? What did I-" a loud knocking echoes through the house and Victoria turns from me

We both stay silent and listen as we hear our Mother answer the door "Alpha!" We hear her shriek and my eyes widen

what did I do if he's here?

Victoria doesn't even turn back to me, she runs down stairs. Pulling up her shorts and down her V necked tank, her heels clanking against the stairs. I'm tempted to close my door and lock myself away, scared of what's happening.

"If this is about Eve, I had no idea and we apologise for her activity and behaviour" my Father says sounding like a begging puppy

"So it's true then?" The alpha growls, I'm still petrified standing in my rooms doorway. Not knowing if I should move or not.

"Don't jump to conclusions Maddox" I hear Peter say and I slowly back away when I don't hear a response but heavy footsteps stammering up the stairs

"Out all of you" I hear him say

"But Alpha I could-" Victoria whines

"Out, now" he says and there footsteps lead out, the front door closes behind them. I'm sure Victoria pouts her way out, my parents probably planning there next yelling session with me.

I gasp when he appears in front of me. I take in his state and feel dizzy. He's half dressed, only a pair of jeans covers his body, his shirt no where to be found. His muscles are tense and his breathing far from normal.

"Is it true?!" He demands and I gasp, afraid

"What? What is everyone talking about?" I beg, feeling tears come on from fear and confusion

"Shit, that's right you're not linked" he says but shakes his head "is it true that you-" he looks alike he'll be sick at his next words "slept with Logan even though you knew Scar was his mate" he looks me over and steps near me, examining my face

"What?!" I scream, tears instantly rimming my eyes "how could she say that" I know it was could she do this. I didn't do anything, it was Logan

He comes near me and bends down to my neck, he inspects me and and sniffs the skin of my neck. Next he pulls down my sleeves and checks my shoulders. I gasp and push his hands away from shock. He then pulls up my shirt, exposing my stomach.

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