Chapter 30

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After my parents house I hide out deep in the woods, I listen for every sound but finally after another hour I fall asleep against a tree. I wake up to a the most murderous pain imaginable. I lay flat on my back against the wet ground. Leaves stick to my flaming hot skin and I try to keep in my screams. I see the moon right above me. As it glows against the starless night it's almost as if they are extending out to illuminate me and only me. It feels like I'm shifting for the first time all over again. I can't help but let out a cry as I feel my bones shifting and breaking. I crave relief from the pain but with every second it seems endless. Lolly never mentioned this. This is not what I was expecting when my birthday came. My body shakes against the ground and the heat continues to grow.

I feel my shift coming and soon I shift completely into my wolf form. Although their is slight relief my body feels weak and I can hardly stand on my paws. I feel different though. I look over myself, my raven black fur silky and simmering against the moons white light. But something different does catch my eye. I turn my head as far as I can to see silver fur, the same color as my human hair. It's grown on my back in the shape of a crescent moon. That must be so alphas know what I am...

I feel my body weaken...the shift taking all of my strength. My body collapses and I shrink back into the form of my weak human self. My head pounds and my eyes flutter open and closed.

I hear twigs breaking and hard footsteps closing in on my but I have no energy to move. I feel a blanket cover my naked body and strong arms wrap me in it. I'm lifted into the air and then darkness.
Sunlight streams into a near window and I quickly sit up and look around. Memories of last night flood my brain and a tear slips past my cheek...knowing it wasn't the nightmare I thought it to be. I'm in Scars room which makes my heart pound.

"Oh you're awake." I turn my head to see Oden coming in with a plate of waffles and OJ. I'm surprised to be here and I'm guessing he can read that on my face "my mother told me to go out and look for you...the wolves came to her house and suspected her to know where you are and she knew you'd be out with no where to go."

"Oh" I say quietly and look around...the room haunting me

"Happy birthday" he says trying to lighten the mood

I look over at him fighting tears "sadly my birthday present this year is being given a life of pregnancy and no mate. A life of running away from alphas who only want me to have their pups..can't say it's that happy" he doesn't say anything but hands me the plate of waffles

"You haven't had the easiest past few months" he says and he looks at me with guilt

"I don't blame you for Scars out burst...I'm sorry for you." I tell him and he nods

"And I'm sorry for's like loosing her mother all over again. If she's not here...I have no one." Tears slowly appear in his eyes

"She could come back" I tell him for his sake but at the thought I pray she never does

He shakes his head "if she does she'll be killed...I just wish she never left. You don't deserve what she's done" he takes my hand

A moment of silence passes "how many alphas do you think know by now?" I whisper

He looks away "with the amount of time she's been gone and what I've heard about the warriors tracing and chasing her for hundreds of miles..." he doesn't have to finish for me to know it's a lot

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