Chapter 8

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By sixth period I'm exhausted. For some reason everyone wants to know why I got a ride to school from the Beta but it's a simple answer. A simple answer I don't understand but they don't know that. That's what the rumours are all about, saying I'm trying to seduce him or I paid him to give me a ride, but my favourite one is I'm trying to steal Peter away from his mate because I'm so desperate and no other guy will go out that's even possible. Peters attractive and all but I'm not a monster, I have no jealousy over him and his mate.

The rumours are pretty ridiculous if you ask me, oh wait no one's asking me they're just making up things. I sigh and listen as much as possible to my teacher, he's a hairy old man who's apart of our pack.

He tells us to turn our textbooks to page 483 and the sound of flipping pages and chatting fills the room.

"Tonights homework with be discussing anatomy of the human body, everyone knows-" he cuts himself off and his bushy eyebrows frizz together and he looks away in a daze

I frown and tilt my head in confusion, then I notice all the chatting from seconds ago has stopped as well. I turn in my seat and look around at my other classmates. In this particular class it's mostly made up of linked werewolves in our pack, there's one other girl than me who hasn't linked with the pack, the rest have.

Everyone looks the same as Mr. Douglas, dazed out...that's odd, if it's the pack talking isn't there always talk. I mean I know kids arn't supposed to use the mind link in school due to cheating reasons, so what could this be and why is everyone listening so intently.

They stay like this for another thirty seconds, leaving me very confused. When everyone comes out of there daze everyone's, and I mean everyones, eyes shift to me. My eyes widen and I sit up straighter in my seat. What is it, another crazy rumour? I shift uncomfortably and face the teacher, only to find his eyes on me too, looking very confused and almost concerned.

My heart starts to pound as the silence in the air lingers and there stares continue. Whispers start, breaking the silence. My face grows with heat as I hear snippets of conversations, some spoken out loud while others through the mind link, it being very confusing for me.

I look up to Mr. Douglas and just about raise my hand, but a second later the bells rings and I look up at the clock. Schools over. I quickly jump up and out of the room before anyone else can. But out in the hallway it's no better, eyes stare after me as I make my way out to the parking lot. My whole body is flushed and hot, heart pounding.

What the hell is going on?

I start to hurriedly walk through the hallway, the states becoming more intense with each step "Eve!" I hear someone call my name and I quickly turn around to see Scarlet

"Scar! What the hell is going on, why is everyone staring at me?" Tears start to prick at my eyes and my heart has yet to slow. She grabs my arms as she gets to me and pulls me into a hug, her blue eyes soft and waved hair falling in her face

"It was the alpha" she tells me and I gasp

"What do you mean? What did he say to all of you?" I ask in a hurry, wishing we could have this conversation somewhere besides the middle of the hallway filled with eyes

"He..." She shakes her head "he said that no unmated male wolf was allowed to run with you, not only that but he said if he found out anyone did they would be punished" she says and I gasp, my brain working on what that means, nothing that wolf does makes since to me.

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