Chapter 22

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It's been a calm past few days, Maddox has kept me company and tried to keep my mind off of everything. He's kept me occupied so I can't think about anything, not the stress of my family, not Scar, and not the proficy half of me pleas to know. The border scare was a false alarm and it was just a young wolf who wondered to far from their own pack. What if it had been Scar? Would he have really killed her? What if she does come back? Today is the day my parents move into their new home....finally away from me. I know I shouldn't but I want to try to make amends for what happened the other day. I don't want them to be my enemies, I'm tired of the hatred I have for them. I need to do this to get past it. Maddox of course won't like it and will beg me not to go talk to them. But I have to.

I slip out from under his arm and pick up a Tshirt he left on the ground from last night. I take it in my hands and throw it over my messy silver hair till it covers me down to my thighs. Looking back at him sprawled with only boxers on across the bed I feel a blush heat my cheeks. I walk into the bathroom and look over my face. My usual pale skin has a small glow to it, my grey blue eyes twinkle with happiness. Being with him has made me happier than I ever have been before.

I slip down stairs to make breakfast before he wakes up, hoping to get on his good side before I tell him I'm going to see my parents.

I hear his footsteps coming down the stairs just as I flip the last pancake on a plate. He comes around the corner and instantly I feel my heart jump. He looks so sleepy. His dark hair is messy and he runs a hand through the strands that stick up, then down on his pouted face. I grin "good morning handsome"

He looks over at me and instantly he smiles "good morning my beautiful queen" he says and comes up to me and wraps his arms around my back, lifting me up to his lips where he kisses me sweetly. "Looks delicious" he says but his eyes don't move to the food until after they rake my body and a devilish smirk tugs at his lips.

I blush fire red and hand him his plate before I embarrass myself. He laughs lightly and kisses my forehead. I follow him to the table with a plate of pancakes in my hand.

"the other day, that was Scars Grandmother's cottage correct?" He asks cutting a piece off and placing it between his lips

"Yeah, I didn't even mean to go to her but it was really nice to talk" I tell him

"I've talked to her once before, she's a little odd" he says with a shy smile

I giggle "yes she is, she used to be the packs story teller, she'd tell us about our ancestors and tell us prophecies written in the stars by the moon god" I smile warmly remembering times gathered around the fire with her, Scar, Logan, and all the other young children eager to listen. "After Scars-" saying her name gives me chills but I try not to focus on what she's doing out long as she's staying away from me "mothers death she moved out there, Scars Father was never the same" I sigh feeling for him. Not only did he loose his mate now his daughters has gone ramped. I hadn't even thought about him. I frown, I can't imagine what he's going through.

"Yes I visited him, he was very kind....but I could tell he had been through a lot" Maddoxs face falls and silence spreads between us "I don't know what I would do if I lost you..." he trails off, his voice a mix of pure sadness, pain, and anger

I frown, knowing exactly what he means, a sick feeling settles in my stomach and my heart drops and speeds up. I stand and walk over to him. He pulls me into his lap and hugs my tightly, I hold him and run my hand through his hair "I won't let anyone hurt you Everly" he says quietly "not your family, not one. I will do anything for you and your safety"

I hold on to every word he says and hearing his pleading words makes me feel invincible. When I'm with him I really do think no one could hurt me. My brain moves in a different direction as I think this. The way he makes me feel are the feelings mates feel for each other. Could he be my mate? After everything he has done for me and made me feel I can't imagine him not being the man I spend forever with. I shake my head, I'll be able to know for myself in a week when my birthday rolls around...I'll wait till then.

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