Chapter 18

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It's been two more days since everything happened. I'm fully healed and have been going to school...alone. Maddox has yet to talk to me. My room is for the most part finished, the window was replaced and sometimes I get a glimpse of him, pacing his room, eyebrows furrowed and tight. Sometimes I just stare at him for a moment before I close the curtains and force myself not to think about what he's doing or thinking about. I've caught him looking into my room as well but I quickly lean against the wall or close the blinds.

It's the end of the day and I'm finally back in my room. The walls are white and bare, the bed frame just came in from a local store and they put it together for me. I have a mattress but the comforter isn't here yet so I've just been sleeping on it bare with a pillow and small blanket. The lamp, nightstand, and dresser pair nicely together and I hope soon it'll feel like my safe place again.

There have been rumours around school saying Scar has been spotted in packs and running around others territory. All I know is all the rumours say she's far away and I pray to god she is. Maybe she's trying to find another pack? Someone to take her in? But what about Logan or her Father. Logan has only sent me a quick text saying he caught her trail but has yet to find her. I didn't text back because I didn't know what to say. I did visit her Father yesterday, he told me how sorry he was and that he didn't know what was going on with her. He cried silently to himself and I tried to comfort him. He doesn't have the strength or will to go after her but he's in so much pain knowing she left.

Everyday I look out into the direction of Scars grandmothers house...wondering and debating if I should go talk to her and find out the reason Scar hates me so much. But each time I look away and leave, I'm almost too afraid. I'm afraid of what she'll tell me and I'm not ready to face whatever it is, not yet. We have a break from school all of next week. It's Thursday and almost everyone is skipping tomorrow.

I throw my bag on the bed and get to work, I haven't seen Victoria since she went to spend the night at his house. She hasn't even been at school, my parents seem over joyed at this, even though she hasn't even contacted them.  I haven't even seen Maddox. I've seen him in his house and sometimes when I pass by the council hall he's in there, talking with the rest of the men.

I shake him from my thoughts and get busy on my last day of homework for a while.
An hour in I hear someone walk into the house. Could it be Victoria? I almost don't want to move, just sit here and pretend like I don't care, but I have to know. I quickly push off my binders and papers and scurry off my bed.

By the time I run to the doorway Victoria is already up the stairs and headed back into her room.

"Where have you been?" I ask in a hurry

Her hazel eyes shift to me and she looks me over "what does it matter" she rolls her eyes and continues to walk into her room

"Victoria!" I call out and she turns to me

"What?" She snaps, annoyed

"Where have you been" I demand she scuffs but after a moment smirks

"Well if you must know me and Maddox were exploring our interest to each other, spending time with that man will change you" she licks her lips and instantly images of them touching and kissing come to mind, I almost gag "I guess he got tired of being around the weak link" she laughs lightly and my heart sinks

"You're lying" I say holding back tears and she rolls her eyes

"Whatever Everly, just accept that he'll never want one will" she says and before she walks away she turns her head and I swear I see a hickey. My knees go weak as she walks into her room, slamming her door and leaving me a confused, sad, and angry mess.

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