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As we walk past the bus station, I stare down at the love of my life, trying not to imagine living without her. "I'm gonna run ahead and let the guards and pack know you will be arriving" Peter says, sensing that me and Everly need alone time

Me and Everly both nod and tell him we will see him soon. "Are you okay?" I ask for the hundredth time as soon as Peter leaves

She nods slowly "I can't believe that all happened"

"I know...are you sure you just want to leave them there?" I ask still wanting to go back and punish them

"I'm sure...my father has punished them in the harshest way I know...I'm glad it's over." She says and I nod "I can't believe I met my dad" Everly says more-so to herself

"What was it like?" I ask still trying to unreal from what all happened

"Crazy....but amazing. I've never felt more powerful" she tells me "he told me he had been watching over me and knows the hardship I had gone through. He hoped when I learned what I was that I would be grateful and worshiped but he understood what my life would be like if he didn't make you my true mate....He knew how much I love you" she says and hugs me tightly

"I love you more than anything Everly, even before-" I pause "I love you, you believe me right? The moment I met you-" she cuts me off

"I know Maddox...." she trails off for a moment "I feel like I have to tell you, your true mate died a little while before you met me...that's why you were able to fall in love with me" she says and looks away, afraid of my reaction

I nod "no matter what it's only you now" I tell her. I suppose I should be sad that the mate I had died but I can't imagine being with anyone but Everly. She's everything I want and need...Everly is my true mate. I pause a moment "why didn't you tell me...that you were the black female wolf?" I ask stopping in the woods and looking at her turn down grey eyes

"I had been told my whole life to hid it from everyone and even if I wanted to tell people I was told it was a bad thing...that it made me the weak link. I was embarrassed at first but when I found out about the prophecy I thought you only loved me because of what I was" she tells me honestly

I hug her to my chest and her touch shoots electricity down my body "may I see?" I ask slowly, praying I can control myself.

She smiles and nods quickly. She backs out of my reach and I feel colder without her but I allow the distance. She smiles and hides behind a tree as she takes off her clothes, I smirk and fight the urge to peak. A moment later the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen walks out behind the bark.

I feel the overwhelming need to bow, I lower to my knees- unable to take my eyes off of her. Her fur is black as night, it reflects the light of the sun and flows down her body like silk. On her back is grey fur in the shape of a crescent moon. Her eyes glow as bright as stars as they look at me. "Everly" I say breathlessly. She walks towards me, her body is strong and large, each muscle contracts as she stands next to me. She rubs her large head against mine and I smile and run my fingers through her soft hair. I place my hands on her furry cheeks and peer into her eyes "you are beautiful" I tell her and a glint of happiness sparkles in them

"Shall we?" I hear her in my head and my eyes widened

"You linked with the pack?" I question out loud and her head nods

"And with you, the moon god made it so we are already mated, it was the best way to hid my scent and protect me from other alphas...you're the only one who will ever have me" her voice is so soft in my head it runs a shiver down my spine. I can't help but quietly thank her father again for giving me the greatest gift of all

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