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Jack POV

We watched as Isabella stormed away I looked at the King who was a little shocked Raven Squealed and ran to him he looked at her and chuckled "I am really a big fan Oh. My. Gosh he's cute mom, Mom, I'm gonna die if I don't have him,"Raven said touching on his face I laughed and swung Raven over my shoulder and sat her down she looked at me and growled I hissed "You always ruin my fun Dad I'm not a Sixteen year old pregnant girl I'm a grown ass women and I'm pretty sure he likes grown woman don't you Lucan,"She giggled he laughed I looked at him "Excuse my daughter and Isabella rudeness-,"I was cut off by the loudest scream everyone covered there ears Lucan groaned "Who is that,"He groaned Venus gasped and screamed "Isabella,"She ran I ran after her well everyone did.

We got to this hallway and Isabella was crying blood running down her leg she was shaking in fear I ran to her she hugged me and sobbed in my arms I rubbed her back "Isabella what happened was he here,"I asked she sobbed loudly Venus started panicking "Okay Everyone go back to what you were doing,"Lucan yelled angry they all left Venus hugged Isabella I looked at Lucan "What the happened to her,"He said I flashed my eyes and "James, he's a demon who wants Venus dead, and Isabella he just likes to torture the shit out if her I just uggh,"I said pacing but I stopped and looked at Isabella she was terrified I mean terrified as she stood up she was shaking she looked down and I could tell she was angry cause her eye's turned darker she whimpered and stormed off I was about to walk after her but Lucan stopped me "Don't stay here and watch them I'll handle her,"He said I nodded.

Isabella POV

I was mad and upset I tried to find the closet bathroom when I did I went inside and looked in the mirror and sighed I grabbed a rag and washed up and snapped my fingers so I was in a sweater and leather pants with leather heels there was a knock on the door I wiped my tear and flashed my eye's and exhaled and open the door to be surprised to see Lucan he looked at me I cocked my head "What,"I said he looked at me "Are you alright,"He said I hid back my tears and smiled madly and nodded "I'm fine just great,"I said walking out the bathroom and down the hall way but he stopped me by appearing in front of me "If your fine then why are you hiding your tears with a little girl smile,"He said I looked at him and flashed my eyes "Leave me alone alright the only reason I came here is for Venus she needs to find her Crystal ball that was stolen from you, but it was an gift to her so stop worrying about me and worry about that damn Crystal ball,"I said walking away I don't know what's wrong with me it's just I feel different I got stopped once again I was growing angry quickly I don't know what was wrong with me but I was mad I whipped around a knife appeared in my hand and it was like someone was in me til the point I was even moving but something was moving me.

Lucan caught my hand and pinned me to the wall and everything went black and I was in this white room I looked around "Hello,"I said it echoed I hate that kind of stuff I looked at the white couch and started walking around the carpet was soft I looked around and spotted a girl she was Venus but my age she was sleeping as I walked to her the room came to color it was a baby blue room with clouds I looked around and saw the crystal ball on her desk I was about to pick it up but she woke up and looked at me "Who are you,"She asked I'm guessing this when it all happened I picked up the crystal ball "Hey that's mine,"She said I sat on the edge of her bed "My name is Isabella,"I said she frowned "What are you doing in my room Isabella,"She asked I smiled "I'm here to ask if I can borrow this,"I asked she nodded there was footsteps across the hall "Don't tell no one about this crystal ball okay your gonna go to sleep and forget I was even here,"I compelled her she nodded and fell back to sleep I used my magic to make a fake Crystal Ball I went back into the white room I wonder did I just go back in time when I walked back into the white room and there was James staring at me I froze he chuckled and shook his head "Don't worry Little Isabella I'll be back for you and her, Oh and tell Victor I know his secret,"He said walking up to me I stood my ground "What do you mean, What secret is he hiding,"I said he laughed and sipped the red blood "Victor isn't Victor he is a Royal assassin which means he kills Royal people like Venika, You, And every King, Queen, Princess, Prince, Nobel, he is the one who helped me Turn Venus into what she is now, oh and Like I said he isn't who he says he is those eye's of his are fake if you saw he's real ones you'll be terrified especially if I told you were pregnant how's that sound, and Kill Victor at the ball or else I'll kill you and it might just be when you awake,"He said I froze he laughed and disappeared everything disappeared.

I woke up and I was in a bed I started panting I looked around and it was dark I was scared definitely of the dark I scurried out of bed and fell my body made a big thump I ran to the door I looked at my outfit and notice I was in a Satin White long dress gladly I had a bra and panties on so I unlocked the door and ran out and down the hallway it was light when I came to the last stop I saw Venus, Lucan, Jack, Venika, and Victor with suit cases and I as my two sister I looked around and notice this was my house, No, NO, I sighed and looked at them who was looking at me Ices and Pherra smiled "Isabella your awake,"Pherra said I looked around this house is to much I felt my breathing become heavy because it was hard to breath in such a place as horrifying as this place this is James kingdom he Loaned it to my parents my hands started shaking as the voice rang in my head "Isabella,"Ices said stepping up my head snapped towards her my eye's turned a horrifying color "What,"I said rudly getting angrier as James kept messing with my mind 'Hmm your right and I will keep messing with you until you kill Victor,'He said Jack stepped up "Isabella not this again, can you at least be grateful your at home,"He said I looked at him my claws came out I chuckled in my regular voice and rolled my eyes I looked at my claws then at Victor then back at my claws I stepped down "Now I never wanted to do this but I think it's for your own good Victor other wise you wouldn't want to tell Venika your little secret,"I said in a whisper voice my eye's glowed neon blue which means I'm said everyone eye's glowed they blocked Victor as I thought "Isabella your not gonna kill him,"Lucan said in his Michael Jackson voice I giggled and it along turned into Neon tears Ices stepped up I stepped back "Isabell don't okay we can fix you remember dad Said he will get you help,"She said softly I tears come down they looked at me "Isabella why didn't you take your pills,"Jack said in a angry voice I looked at him and shook my head "I don't want to keep seeing him in my dreams, he scares me why can't you all see that James hates me! HE HATES ME,"I Screamed in tears they took another step and I dashed and put my hand threw my heart which hurt they all froze "I-If any of you move this will be y-your last time ever calling me c-crazy,"I stammered as I clutched my heart "Isabella NO,"My father said I tore out my heart and gasped and tumbled down the stairs all that was playing in my mind was Librarian I smiled finally some peace everyone circled around me the last face I saw was Lucan I giggled weakly my mother was crying "Isabella Why,"She cried I looked at her and smiled and let a tear slid down "I love you Librarian girl,"I giggled while I sung so weakly I saw Lucan face change to sad "I love you Librarian Girl,"He sung softly I smiled and sighed "See just as I thou-,"I said slowly before falling asleep with my eye's closed yes I'm not dead but I won't be a Verton when I wake up and I want be here when I wake up.

Okay guys so the Title and The Chapters are about to Change okay this is not about Venus and Raven anymore this is about all of them but Mainly my girl Isabella so yup that's all I want to say.

The Dark Angel (Book 3# Of Venus And The King Series)Where stories live. Discover now