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I woke up head was banging I got up and saw my room was wreck and I'm a wreck my heart was still broken I took a shower and put on a spike Metallic blue dress, Lace blue heels, with a short spike blue jacket, Shades, I put my hair straight instead of curly like always, I didn't put on makeup I just put on glasses and grabbed my purse and walked down hallway.

I got into my car with Nolan besides me he is my Apprentice “You okay Venus,”He asked I nodded and drunk two whole cups of coffee and pulled up to the castle and got out the car and we walked to the meeting room.

When I entered the room Jack was where he usually sits Raven was in her spot everyone smiled at me and clapped I didn't I just sat down “I'm glad you could make it mom, so this meeting is about the ball that is gonna be in three weeks and Dad needs a date,”She said I drunk some tea I looked at her “What,”I said Jack growled “She said I need a date for the ball next week,”He said I looked at my tea then at him “And what does any of that have to do with me,”I said “Dawn it means he wants you as his date,”Nolan said I nodded my head “No,”I said shaking my head Raven looked wide eyed “Are you two not on good terms, Mom just do it for Venika,”She said I shook my head my hair turned white “No I'm sorry but I don't want to act like we're the Oh Happy Queen and King, No I don't wanna pretend anymore I'm sick of pretending like I'm so happy with the life have, So no if we're not together then I think k he should find someone cares about, and Sorry my time is up I have to go to other meetings and I am already tired so bye have a nice day,”I said getting up “Mom but your Queen you have to give the people what they want,”Raven said I stopped my hair turned to Fire I looked at her “I don't have to give anything to the people I gave them everything I ever wanted and look where that got me, Standing here Depressed and very Sad, so I don't have anything else I lost everything that gave me hope and I will not give anything else so if you will excuse me I have somewhere to go,”I said darkly before walking out the door my hair turned back to normal Nolan opened the door for me before I got in the door I hear my name “Venus, Venus,”Jack yelled I looked at Nolan “Nolan go to the house I won't be there in a while so you can leave I'll be fine,”I said he nodded and speeded off I turned around and put my glasses and looked at Jack who was pissed “Why are you so arrogant huh we don't pretend to be a couple okay your just going there so I can have someone to dance with,”He said I shook my head “I'm sorry Jack I just don't wanna go to the dance so I'll tell Venika that she'll be dancing with you,”I said he was getting angry he shook he's head I just turned around and started walking “No I don't want nobody okay I don't want to be away from you okay I'm sorry I lied okay I was angry, I love you Venus, so don't walk away from me DON'T OKAY I NEED YOU,”He said I didn't have a heart so I kept walking I barely could feel joy “VENUS, VENUS,”He shouted I didn't dare to look back just walking until I was stopped I whipped around my hair turned to frost my eyes turned to ice blue I looked at Jack “I know you do Jack, Cause I need you too nothing new to me okay every time I saw Theo I would cry cause I missed you but those feeling stopped after that stunt James did I don't feel like myself I never do,”I said while a cold tear dropped I looked down Jack kissed me and hugged me “Come On I miss let's go in the house,”he said I giggled we went in the house.

We ran up stairs he chased me I slid down the hallway and ran to this Room when I ran into it and everything was dark I ran to far into it so before I could dash to the door the door was slammed shut I jumped sacredly and used my night vision I looked around it was an old room very old it was probably about 3,305 years old I looked around “Hello,”I said no answer then who the hell shut the damn door, there was loud foot steps I looked over but there was no sign of no one I was getting kinda scared I heard foot steps behind me I whipped around and couldn't see anything I stumbled back and looked around .

Your Mine,” A dark voice said I whipped around but nobody is here it's scaring me “Who's There,”I yelled “ Don't Worry Darling You'll Know Soon,” The Dark Voice said I kept going in circles, I just wanna leave, “ You can't escape me,” The Dark voice said I was getting really scared I felt a really cold breeze pass me I whipped around again and no one was there I let out a breath and it turned to frost I started shivering this isn't happening right now my hair turned to frost so did my pupils once I get to cold everything turns to frost, the ground started to freeze I panicked and looked around and saw James but his hair was black gassy his pupil were neon red and his eyes were black I stumbled back scared “J-James l-leave me alone,”I cried he chuckled then shot threw Daggers in me “AAAAHHHHHHHH-AHHHH........”I screamed and dashed out the window until I landed on the groaned .

The Dark Angel (Book 3# Of Venus And The King Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant