Chapter 6 - "Well, now that you know, feel free to stalk away."

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Lennon hit her third week on tour and had settled into a routine. She had gotten used to falling asleep to the rocking of the tour bus and waking up in a new city. The size of the arenas didn't feel overwhelming now that she had played in several.

Her interactions with Kade were neutral, he ignored her for the most part, until they were on stage and they were focused on one another, singing out the loving words to each other.  It all disappeared once Lennon left the stage but she had adjusted to it.


Lennon was walking into the arena in Washington DC with a fresh cup of coffee, having just gotten back from a radio interview when Noah came running towards her, an urgent look on his face.

"Will wants to apologize in advance for what's about to happen," he said.

"What?" She asked, confused.

Noah nodded his head in the direction he had come. She looked past Noah to see Will walking towards her with an apologetic look on his face, his hand attached to a brunette wearing an excited smile.

"Hey I'm Jessie. I love your music!" the girl said, her words tumbling out of her mouth.

She had dark laughing eyes and olive skin.

"This is my girlfriend," Will explained.

"It's so nice to meet you," Lennon said.

"Can I just hug you?" She asked.

Lennon laughed and accepted her hug.

"I'm not gonna lie when I heard a girl would be opening for my boyfriend I was jealous. I went online to make sure you weren't pretty and you were so pretty I was mad. I was determined to hate you. I listened to one of your songs ready to hate it but then I loved it and I listened every single one of your songs."

Lennon tried catch all the words that were coming at her lightening fast.

"Will is so embarrassed by me," she laughed, giving him a gentle slap. "But I can't help it. I love all your music and I'm not gonna lie I might have stalked you on the Internet a little bit."

Lennon let out a small laugh, trying to hide how overwhelmed she felt. This is what Noah had been talking about.

"But I'm not crazy!" Jessie said more calmly. "I just get super excitable."

"I didn't even know Will had a girlfriend or I would have done my own internet stalking," Lennon joked.

"Well, now that you know, feel free to stalk away."

"There is a lot you can find on this one," Noah said.

Noah and Will were called over to the stage. Jessie dropped Will's hand as he started to walk away and looked at Lennon.

"Would you mind if I hang out with you while they do boring band stuff?" Jessie asked Lennon.

Lennon could see a worried look on Will's face but she could tell Jessie was really sweet.

"Of course," she said.

"But you just got here. You haven't even properly said hi to me," Will complained.

"I see you all the time," Jessie said, shooing him away.

"Sorry about kind of exploding on you," she said once they were alone.

"No worries," Lennon said. "But to be honest I don't really have anything interesting to do."

"Oh, that's ok. I'm use to the down times on tour."

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