Chapter 26 - "We're going into battle!"

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A slight chill crept over Lennon. She reached for more blankets but before she could grasp anything, something wrapped around her; pulling her into a bundle of warmth. She nestled down and let it drag her back into a deep sleep.

The next time Lennon stirred she was hot. She tried to push blankets off but she was tangled up in them. She opened her eyes and as she adjusted to the darkness she realized what she struggled with wasn't a blanket but a person. Her head rested on Kade's chest, their arms were wrapped around each other. His breathing was deep and steady.

Slowly, the pieces came together. They had been watching a movie. She wasn't sure how long ago that had been but everyone else was gone. The lights were off and someone had put a blanket over them. She slowly slipped out of Kade's hold. She crawled to the end of the couch, settled in and was quickly back asleep.


A loud clatter and someone's noisy laugh pulled Lennon awake. She rolled over and found Kade's spot on the couch empty. She stretched and yawned as she swung her feet to the ground and stood. She folded the blankets and neatened up the cushions, before heading to the basement entrance.

As she neared the top of the stairs she could hear voices coming from the kitchen.

"Good morning!" Rue greeted Lennon as she stepped into the hall.

"Good morning," Lennon said.

"How did you sleep?" she asked


"You fell asleep so fast last night," Rue said. "I don't think the credits were even done."

"That's a lesson I've learned from touring. I can fall asleep just about anywhere."

"Kade does the same thing," Rue said. "I think he was out a few minutes after you."

She led the way into the kitchen and Lennon followed. "Good mornings" rang out as everyone in the kitchen greeted her.

Kade was at the counter eating, still in his clothes from the night before. There was a crowd of women near the stove.

"Morning babe," Kade said, pulling her onto his lap. "How did you sleep?"

"Good," she said, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "What time is it?"

"It's almost eleven," Margret said.

"Do you want breakfast?" Kade asked.

"Cereal sounds good," she said, looking at what Kade was having.  "I can get it myself if you'll just tell me where."

"The bowls are up there," Margret said, pointing to a high cabinet. "Here is a spoon and here is the cereal."

"Thanks," Lennon said.

She poured herself some Chex.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" Kade asked

"Nothing in particular. Did you have anything planned?" she asked.

"I figured we can take it slow today. Hang out around the house."

"That sounds good," Lennon said.

"Ok. I'm going to run and take a shower," Kade said.

He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he left.

Rue moved closer to her and started telling Lennon about life at college.

By the time Kade came back, all cleaned up Lennon felt she had lived through all the stresses of college listening to Rue. Excusing herself, Lennon went to take a shower.

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