Chapter 28 - "Kade knows the dance too."

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The next day, Lennon and Kade went into Boston with Robbie and some of their cousins to tour around. They showed Lennon all their favorite spots. Like the mall where Robbie had nervously peed on Santa Clause. The bridge in the park where Gwen got engaged. The corner where Kade, Noah and Will use to perform, trying to make money.

They ended the tour at Faneuil Hall, crowded around a table, sharing desserts. Lennon tried to smile and look engaged in everyone's stories but she was exhausted. After a few bites, Lennon sat back and rested her head on Kade's shoulder. He took her hand and kissed her forehead.

"You doing alright?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah," Lennon said, looking up at him and smiling.

He studied her face for a moment.

"Lennon and I are going to look around," he said, standing up. "How about we meet up at the car in forty-five minutes?"

"Ok," Robbie said.

Faneuil Hall was situated in Quincy market, an outdoor mall filled with stores. At the center, was a two-story Christmas tree, already set up. The moment they stepped outside, Kade dropped Lennon's hand.

He didn't say anything as they walked between the trees, his hands in his pockets. The visit with Kade's family was going smoother then Lennon had imagined but it was exhausting pretending twenty-four seven. Walking along with Kade she could just be herself for a little bit.

"How about a Christmas ornament for your family?" Kade asked, nodding towards one of the stores.

"Sure," she said, following him into an ornament store.

The store was packed with shoppers. The walls were lined with every type of ornament there was. Christmas music drifted from speakers, muffled by overlapping voices. Lennon made her way through the thick cluster of shoppers to a staircase and climbed to the second floor, relieved to find it less crowded. She wondered through the different sections, her eyes taking in the ornaments. Kade found her minutes later as she picked her simple Christmas tree ornament.

"Thats nice," he said.

"Are you getting anything?" Lennon asked.

"No, I think my parents own every ornament in here."

"I'll just get this and then we can head back to the car," she said.

They turned around to see two girls staring at them.

"Let's go," Kade said quietly, taking her hand.

Lennon felt a weight drop on her shoulders from the excited look in the girls' eyes. She already felt overwhelmed performing for Kade's family; she didn't want to have to perform for fans as well. The girls hovered as Lennon made her purchase and then approached once they stepped out of the store.

"Kade, Lennon," one of the girls called.

Lennon felt Kade freeze for a second before a smile slipped onto his face. She followed his example.

"Hi," he said.

The girls let out excited giggles.

"I love you!" one of the girls said.

Kade smiled.

"Can we get a picture?" the other asked.

"Sure," Kade said, no hesitation in his voice.

The girls stood on either side of Kade and Lennon as their mother took the picture.

"I can't believe we ran into you!" one girl said.

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