Chapter 40 - "What the hell was that?"

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Special thanks to @Just_Chaos for the awesome cover she made! Now on to the chapter!


Lennon shifted her stance as her right foot went numb and silently cursed that she had worn heels. Kade, Noah and Will were seated on a couch, in a room was filled with cameras, microphones and lights. They were doing a round of pre-Grammy interviews. Kade's dark tan, from their trip the week before, made him stand out from Will and Noah.  Lennon had tucked herself into a corner, playing the roll as dedicated girlfriend.

Once the cameras stopped rolling, the band filed out to freedom. Before Kade made it out, the interviewer stopped him and asked a question.

"Sure," Kade said, waving Lennon over.

Lennon walked to him and the interviewer's face lit up.

"Hi, I'm Janet Collins with MusicNow," she said, offering Lennon her hand. "Thanks so much for taking the time to sit down and answer a few questions for me."

"We're happy to," Lennon said as she joined Kade on the couch.

His hand rested on her leg as she looped her arm through his.

"Tonight is a huge night for Hey Farewell with their three nominations, Lennon are you excited?" Janet asked.

"Im so excited for them and so proud!" Lennon said. "I don't know a more deserving band then them. They have an incredible work ethic that is inspiring."

Kade leaned over and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

"That is so sweet. Kade are you excited to have Lennon's support tonight?"

"Definitely," he said. "I know that no matter what happens tonight,  she'll be by my side and that's all that really matters."

"You two are adorable together," Janet said. "I know everyone is happy to see you settled with someone."

"Thanks," he said.

"And Lennon, you seem over the moon to be with Kade. Was there ever any doubt in your mind about him, especially considering his past?"

"None," Lennon answered instantly, her voice firm.

She could imagine how tiring it must be for Kade to be constantly reminded of his past mistakes.

"By the time I knew I liked him, we had become friends and I knew the real Kade," she said.

"No worries about his past relationship?" Janet pushed.

Lennon snaked her arms around Kade's waist and kissed his cheek.

"Well..." she said, the smile on her face making it clear she was joking.

"Hey, I do recall you having an ex boyfriend or two," he played along. "What was his name?"

Kade had meant to keep the mood light, but his words had the opposite effect on Lennon. She froze at the mention of Hunter, her shock as sharp as a slap across the face.

"Oh really?" Janet asked.

Lennon's panic made her stomach jump to her throat. She felt like she was going to be physically sick as she saw her nightmare flash before her eyes. She couldn't believe Kade had mentioned Hunter. She forced a smile onto her face.

"Have I told you about my run in with Kade's ex-girlfriend?" Lennon asked, speaking in a loud, scandalized tone.

The comment had the desired effect. Lennon saw Janet latch onto any hint of gossip. Lennon quickly continued to tell about her run in with Brianna at the Halloween party. As she talked, she could feel Kade's eyes on her and the tension radiating off of him.

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