Chapter 25 - "They aren't vampires."

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Lennon and Kade spent the next week together. Heading into Thanksgiving with his family, they needed to be comfortable around each other again. It helped, that Kade's stress was relieved when he got news that his grandpa was doing much better. They forced any awkwardness away by focusing on the friendship they had before his birthday.

When Lennon landed in Boston two days before Thanksgiving, she felt comfortable around Kade once more but was still nervous about meeting his family. The fact that they weren't a real couple put more weight on the situation.


As Lennon walked towards baggage claim she spotted Kade. He looked comfortable. His signature hair was hidden beneath a beanie and he wore a big jacket. His appearance wasn't the only thing that was different. He was more relaxed and Lennon found the conversation flowed easily as they drove to his parent's house.

"Here we are," Kade said, as they turned onto a small road.

The houses were big but in an old fashioned way. All with large front yards and most lit up with Christmas lights. He pointed to a house directly in front of them. All the windows were lit and it gave off a sense of warmth.

Lennon took a deep breath, trying to combat the nerves that were ricocheting through her body. She tried to convince herself it was the same as going to a friends house for the first time. Then her stomach dropped

"Kade stop!" she said, a horrible realization coming over her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

He whipped his head around, trying to find the source of her panic.

"We have to leave!"

He laughed.

"Lennon it's going to be fine."

Kade pulled into the driveway.

"No it's not! I forgot to bring a gift," she said.

How could she have forgotten? Bringing a gift to someone's home was second nature to her. Like shaking hands.

"I don't know what happened? I've been so busy in the studio but I always bring a gift," she blubbered. "What will your mother think? Probably that I don't have any manners. That I was raised by wolves."

"Lennon, Lennon," Kade said firmly.

He gently cupped her face.

"Calm down," he said authoritatively.

He let out a few slow breaths. Lennon slowly matched them.

"There," he said.

His hands dropped away from her face. She stayed quiet for a minute, her eyes still on him.

"How am I suppose to meet your family without a gift?"

He didn't answer but reached into the backseat of the car. He pulled out a poinsettia plant and a flat box with a fancy red bow tied around it.

"This is my mom's favorite," he explained about the plant. "And I'm told this is the best chocolate LA has to offer."

Lennon was speechless.

"How did you know?" she asked.

He gave a casual shrug.

"I knew it was a busy week. I figured it wouldn't hurt to have them, even if you did remember."

"I don't know what to say," she said, stunned.

"Don't say anything," he said. "It was nothing. Now, we should probably get in there or they will wonder what we are up to?"

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