Chapter 35 - "Are you tipsy?"

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The next morning and afternoon flew by as Lennon and Kade took up the job of entertaining Benny, while Julie prepared for their Christmas party. As the event drew closer Lennon helped bath and dress her little brother. By the time she finished and walked back into the guest room, Kade was ready. He sat on the edge of the bed, his hair perfectly styled, wearing a crisp red button down and slacks.

"You look good! Got any plans tonight?" Lennon asked.

He studied her for a moment.

"I do. I have some people I gotta impress. Show them I care about my girl," he said. 

"You gotta girl? Better not let her catch you in my room," she said.

He forced a small laugh, his eyes serious. Lennon turned and reached for her bag.

"I'm gonna get ready. You can wait for me or go down without me. Either way is fine."

She didn't wait for a response before she left. She knew he could tell something was wrong and it was aggravating.

He hadn't asked about where she had slept the night before, when he had come downstairs that morning. He had just said good morning to everyone and joined Benny for breakfast. But she had caught him watching her throughout the day, a worried expression on his face. She tried to silently reassure him that everything was fine. But she could tell he didn't believe her.


Someone called out Lennon's name as she was passing through the dining room. She refilled her champagne flute before she turned to find the person seeking her attention. She found a middle aged woman, with startling highlights and too much sequins on her dress, waving to her with a big, bright smile. Lennon drank half the glass in the few steps it took the woman to reach her.

"I thought that was you!" the woman said. "It's so good to see you again."
"It's good to see you again too," Lennon said.

The woman looked vaguely familiar, but so did everyone at the party. That was the problem with it being her dad and Julie's Christmas party. Lennon had only ever met everyone once before.

"We were all so happy to hear you would be here for Christmas!" the woman said.

Lennon took another sip of her drink.

"We all know how much your dad and Julie love having you around!"

"I'm happy to be here," Lennon said.

"I can tell Benjamin loves having his older sister around."

Lennon smiled and nodded.

"And I do have to say my daughter still hasn't stopped talking about this years Fourth of July party. Meeting you and getting to take a picture with you made her day! Thank you so much for doing that."

"It was my pleasure," Lennon said.

"She just loves you!"

The woman started in on a detailed story, about how her daughter had sung one of Hey Farewells songs at her school talent show. She was just pulling out her phone to show Lennon a video of it, when someone called to the woman.

Lennon let out a sigh of relief as she watched her go and finished her drink. She scanned the table with food but her stomach gave a small flip. She settled for refilling her glass and moved into the next room.

It felt like since the moment Lennon had come downstairs to join the party, someone was always chasing her down. They always wanted to express their joy that she was visiting and mentioned the Fourth of July party she had attended over the summer. She had only really seen Kade from across the room.

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