Chapter 6

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“…but when it came to rest for a second you saw it was a fairy…”

Something wasn’t right with Peter. She knew that there was something wrong, but she could not imagine what. None of the boys had died recently and it had been such a long while since they had left. Maybe she had done something to offend him? Certainly she hadn’t. She looked at her self in the small piece of glass that she used for a mirror. She looked herself up and down, her blonde hair was the same that it had always been, styled short, to the tips of her ears, and spiked. Her dress was that same that it had always been, a single skeleton leaf cut low and square. She began to think about the things that she had done in the past weeks.  She hadn’t done anything too absolutely putrid. Sure, she had burned a hole in Sachet’s arrow bag after he almost shot her, causing him to almost die in a fight with pirates, and she had spilled over a whole bucket of water so Peter had to journey all the next day to get more, and who could forget when she slapped Tiny with a cod fish after he knocked over her small wardrobe! Everyone was shocked speechless and poor Tiny didn’t talk nor leave their home under the ground for almost a week! Peter would never be too upset about something as simple as that, could he? She paced back and forth, still examining herself. She brushed the dirt off of her dress nervously. She knew that Peter grew bored with people very quickly…maybe he was bored with her? But they had been friends for so long. She decided that she would go find Peter…ask him what was the matter.

She darted out of their home under the ground and looked all over the Neverland for her dear friend. She asked Tiger Lily if she had seen him and she said that she saw him flying over by the Black Castle. She flew by the Black Castle but there was no Peter. She flew by Marooner’s Rock but still no Peter. She even checked the pirate’s ship to see if maybe he had gone on a pirate killing-spree, but as she flew over she only saw the pirates of Neverland Island, peacefully (if you could even use that adjective for pirates) doing their duties such as swabbing the deck and tending to the sails.  A sudden thought came to her. The Cliff! She darted away as fast as her little wings could carry her. She almost ran right into Peter when she finally found him, sitting at his favorite spot.

“Hullo Tink.” He said. He patted the rock next to him, inviting her to sit.

Peter and Tinker Bell had been friends for longer than both of them could remember, which really isn’t saying much because both of them could hardly remember the events of the day before, but is still saying something.

Peter was the only one that could understand what Tinker Bell was saying. He was the only one who ever bothered to learn the faerie’s language. That was one thing that made their relationship especially special.


“Yes Tink?”

She looked out over the sea, wondering if she should ask him what was wrong, but she still feared that he was upset with her, so she dared not to.

The sunset is going to be beautiful to night; the Precursor says so.”


There was a long pause.


Yes, Peter?”

“Do you miss Wendy?”


Peter wasn’t all that surprised that Tinker Bell didn’t remember Wendy, for he hardly remembered her himself. It was only in that last moment of twilight-ness before he fell asleep that he could almost hear her telling stories to the Lost Boys.

Of all the girls that he brought to Neverland to be a mother to him and the Lost Boys, Wendy Darling had been the best. That was something that Peter knew without a doubt in his mind.

She had always told the grandest stories and she sang the most beautiful lullabies.

“Oh, hush thee, my baby,
Thy sire was a knight,
Thy mother a lady,
Both lovely and bright;
The woods and the glens,
From the towers which we see,
They all are belonging,
Dear baby, to thee.”

“Bye baby bunting
Daddy’s gone a hunting
Gone to get a rabbit skin
To wrap his baby bunting in”

The lyrics ran through his mind and he could almost see Wendy going from bed to bed, tucking in each boy, as they fell asleep.

“Do you think that I am beginning to grow up, Tinker Bell?”

 “You? Grow up? That could never happen Peter.”

“Yes, but I have begun to think such grown up things.”

You must stop that at once.”

“I have tried, I really have. But once one starts to think grown up things, it is awfully hard to stop.”

“Why don’t you try killing a pirate? That should make you feel like a boy again. Surely one who thinks grown up things would never kill a pirate.”

“You always have the best advice, Tinker Bell, but you see...I’ve already killed a pirate to day. It would be foul play for me to kill two pirates in one day.”

“If I were you I would kill as many pirates as I would like everyday.”

“If you were me, there would be no pirates to kill.”

But wouldn’t that be nice?”

“No…it would take all of the fun out of everything.”

There was a long pause. Not an uncomfortable one, a kind, gentle, one that one gets when they need time to soak in their surroundings.

Peter sat there, trying not to think grown up things, but the more that he thought about not thinking grown up things, the more he thought about grown up things. Of course, he really didn’t know what grown up thoughts were; he just knew that they included the things that weren’t about Indians, pirates, arrows and bows, mermaids, cannons, and faeries. The closest thing that he had to knowing about grown up things was the pirates, but, all they thought about was killing the Indians and the Lost Boys and where to hide their treasure. Certainly that’s not what all grown ups thought about.

That was it! He had to find the pirate’s treasure. That would make him not think about grown up things! It was decided. Tomorrow he would take the Lost Boys and Tiger Lily to go find the treasure of Captain Elizabeth Morgan.

But for now, he would bask in the evening sun, with his closest friend by his side, enjoying the view from The Cliff. He lay down on his back and sighed.  Tomorrow he would have fun with his Boys and Tiger Lily, if her father permits it.

As Peter and Tinker Bell lay there on that rock, the sun on Neverland Island began to set. The Precursor was right; it was a beautiful sunset. Hues of pink and orange filled the evening sky as the sinking sun began to disappear behind the mountains. The sea was a reflection of the sherbet sky. If you looked past Marooner’s Rock you could see the mermaids jumping and flipping in and out of the water, imitating the dolphins.

As the first stars began to appear in the darkening sky, Peter took out his pipe and began to play a mellow tune. He always played his pipe with such ease, it amazed Tinker Bell. She was so relaxed at that moment that she began to fall into a heavenly sleep. She was in the last moments of that twilight-ness when she said, very softly,

Peter…I remember Wendy…I believe I tried to kill her once…”

“Or twice…” Peter laughed.

As Peter laughed, a shooting star fell, and he silently, secretly, made a wish.

In an opposite world, a lonely girl sat looking out of her bedroom window, and seeing a shooting star, the same shooting star, made a wish.  

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