Chapter 18

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“The Island Come True”

Molly opened her eyes and lowered her hands from her face. It took her a second to regain her vision, for the flash had been so obnoxiously bright, but once she did, she gasped in amazement, then, suddenly overtaken by the cold of her surroundings, stood closer to Peter.

“Don’t worry,” he said quietly, “You’ll get used to it pretty quickly.”

She felt warmer the closer she got to him. He took off his suit coat and draped it around her shoulders, then started off heading north. She followed closely behind him, mimicking his steps.

The Frozen Forest was an odd looking place. A person walking through the forest had to jump and skip along for the ground was broken into many different pieces, like ice that has been broken up, floating on an arctic ocean. But instead of falling into icy water if you lose your balance or simply can’t jump far enough, you fall deep, deep down into the mysterious unknown.

Molly wondered what kind of horrible beasts could be lurking down there.

She looked up at the massive trees that sat every few feet. They didn’t look like the trees that she was used to seeing. The roots seemed to come up from the ground and wrap around each other to form the trunk then spiral out to form branches. Every tree was barren it seemed, for there were no leaves or blossoms on any of them.

“Where are we headed?” she asked.

“Home,” he said with a smile on his face, “I can’t wait until the boys meet you.”

“I’m very excited to meet them. I’m especially-”

She collided with Peter as he stopped dead in his tracks.

“What’s wrong?”

“Shh,” he said, putting his finger to his lips. In one swift motion he grabbed her hand and flew up into the tree tops, landing on a big branch which they both took a seat on.

“Peter, what is it?” she asked, getting more worried with each second.

He put his finger to his lips again and she got the message. She sat there with him, watching the ground below.

It wasn’t long before she heard distant, rhythmic, thuds and a loud, obnoxious, ticking. It was growing louder, coming closer. It began to get so loud that she had to cover her ears.

When it came into view, she had to clamp her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming.

She must have looked pretty humorous with one hand clamped over her mouth and one hand clamped over her right ear, she thought later on when reflecting on the occasion.

Below, starting to walk past the tree was a gigantic crocodile. It had to be at least thirty feet long. It had deep green scaly skin and six legs, its piercing red eyes scanned the area as it waddled about. It stopped at the foot of the tree, sniffing the air.

Peter gave Molly a look that said, ‘Don’t. Make. A. Sound.’

She nodded silently.

The loud ticking was making her go crazy though; she had removed her hand from her mouth and placed it back on her ear in a sad attempt to mute the noise.

Finally, whatever the crocodile was sniffing was deemed less important and he waddled away, his giant feet thudding rhythmically on the icy ground below.

When it was far enough away, Peter grabbed Molly’s hand again and they floated back down to the ground.

“Why can’t we just fly to your home?” she asked in a hushed tone, still afraid that the crocodile would hear her and come back.

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