Chapter 29

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“Help! Someone, help! There’s a guy outside mugging an elderly woman!” Hunter yelled as he burst into the busy police station.

The station had been pretty slow the past week so when hearing this, police, way more than needed, began to file out of the station to find some much wanted action. Hunter led the pack outside and onto the sidewalk in front of the station.

“This way!” he said as he ran down the block. As he ran, he took a walkie-talkie from his pocket and secretively said into it, “We’re coming your way. Meet you at Main and 5th in three.”

“Copy that,” a young girl’s voice came through the receiver.


As the police left the station, Kevin waltzed in. The station was half-empty, making his job easier. He walked through the main lobby as usual, then went into the break-room and grabbed a cup of coffee like he did every other day that he was at work. He sat the cup on his desk in his office then went right back out the door and towards the stairs. He cautiously surveyed his surroundings as he opened the door that led to the stairwell. He walked down the stairs until there were no more stairs to walk down and opened the door into the basement. As he walked through the door he saw an older man guarding the entrance into the evidence locker.

“Mornin’, Officer.” The man said, “You got clearance?”

Kevin dug in his pocket for a second before pulling out a twenty-dollar bill. “I’ve got clearance from President Jackson,” he said as he slipped the man the money.

“Go on in,” the man said as he opened the door for Kevin.


“Come on, kid! Where’s this thief you were talkin’ about?” one officer yelled, as they had been running for a good three minutes in no certain direction.

Hunter came to a sudden stop, causing the officers to stumble a bit as they tried to halt to a stop.

“I don’t understand! They were right here!” he said.

“Kid, you’re wasting our time.” Another officer said.

As the officer finished his statement, a small figure holding a bag and dressed in all black appeared at the other end of the block.

“There he is!” Hunter yelled, pointing at the figure that had started running in the opposite direction.

Hunter led the way and the police followed.  “Ash, we’re almost on you.” He said into the walkie-talkie.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” came from the other end.

As they followed the thief into an alley that was placed in between a row houses, Hunter replied, “I’m sure God will forgive you. I’m about to pass you, are you ready?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”


Kevin jogged through the evidence locker, trying to get in and out as fast as he could.

“F, G, H, H-a-e, H-a-g, H-a-l,” he muttered to himself as he searched for the box with Molly’s name on it, “Aha! Hart,” He pulled the small box from the shelf and set it on the floor. He threw the top off and looked inside. There wasn’t anything but a letter and a small bag of dust in the box so he took them both and shoved them in his pocket.

He replaced the top of the box and placed it back on the shelf. As he was exiting, the older man said, “Nah, ah, ah, not so fast.”

Kevin looked at him, confused.

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