Chapter 25

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Mr. Hart stood in his bedroom looking outside of the window at the glimmering sunset. The shades of coral and orange surrounding the disappearing sun should have made him feel relaxed, but it did just the opposite.

Following the sunset would be the dark evening sky. There were no clouds tonight so he would be able to see all of the stars. The moon would be bright tonight, it would shine brighter than it ever had just to mock him.

Night was Maggie and Molly's favorite time. When Molly was young she would cuddle with her mother on the window seat in the rear of the house and listen to stories about her favorite heros as she gazed at the stars.

She had always been so fascinated with stars and the moon.

Mr. Hart was ripped from his train of thought as he heard the back door open and close. He slowly walked from his bedroom to the kitchen. As he entered he met Kevin who was carrying a medium pizza.

"I got a sausage from Giordiano's, your favorite." he friendly said, trying to be as fragile as possible.

"I'm not hungry." was the response that he got.

"James, you haven't eaten in days, you need to eat, please."

"I'm not hungry." Mr. Hart repeated.

"Alright then," Kevin dropped the pizza box onto the kitchen table and opened it up, grabbing a slice of the extra greasy, gooey, cheesy, pizza, "I guess that I'll just eat this whole box by myself." he took an over-exaggerated bite of his pizza, emphasizing the goodness with grunts and moans.

Mr. Hart just rolled his eyes and turned to go back to his room.

"I'll put the leftovers in the fridge!" Kevin called after him, "if there are any!" he sighed, taking another bite of the pizza, "I hate sausage." he muttered to himself. As he heard Mr. Hart's room door close, he picked up the box of pizza and tossed it in the fridge.

The past 3 days had been the same as this one; Kevin would try to get Mr. Hart to eat, to talk, to at least come out of his room for longer than 5 minutes, but he would fail every time, and the next few weeks would be the same.

Kevin hoped that Molly would come back soon. Or be found soon. He really didn't know what to believe. He wanted to believe is best friend, he wanted to believe that Molly was in some fairy tale land with the boy of her dreams, but, he also wanted to keep hold of his sanity. As horrible as it was, he wanted to believe that Molly was being held captive by some loonitic. He wanted to believe that by searching, he could find her. That she was still on this planet, waiting to be rescued. But, he had seen the floating napkin at the diner, he saw the letter Molly wrote James telling him that she was with Peter. Could it all be true? Could these make believe stories really be true? If Peter Pan really is real, are witches? Are werewolves? Are pinocchio and Alladin? Alice in Wonderland?

He shook his head, clearing his mind, trying to keep his head


Aubree was a disaster. She sat in her room everyday, trying to dream up ways to get Molly back home. She was also having trouble trying to decide what was real and what was imaginary.

She knew that Molly had always loved Peter Pan, and that she always thought that he was real,must could he really have come and taken her away? I mean, this is a Disney movie character that we're talking about here, right? She couldn't believe it, she shouldn't. But, the alternative, thinking that some crazed psycho path had her? Doing God-knows-what to her-she couldn't even think about it.


Flipping through old photographs was the worst part. Remembering all those fun times that they shared together, remembering her last birthday, the night when there was a ring around the moon, that was unbearable.

Hunter couldn't stand not having Molly around. He couldn't stop thinking about her. But every time that he thought about her, he thought about her rejecting him. He kicked himself for it everyday. Maybe if he hadn't of been so forward? Maybe she would change her mind? Maybe....that little word could slay him.


"Hey, God, it's me, Ashlynn. I just wanted to ask You for something. I'm really scared for Molly. Please protect her, wherever she is, and please bring her home. We all miss her terribly. If...if she really is with Peter Pan, don't let her get killed by a pirate. And if she isn't with Peter, please, please, don't let whoever has her hurt her. She's such a wonderful person, I would hate it if anything happened to her. Thank you, God. Amen."


Ok, I know that it's a short chapter but I haven't uploaded in forever so I just wanted to get something in there. And this chapter is also unedited, consideringim on my iPad and I'm exhausted. I'm leaving, again, for Ohio tomorrow and won't be back until next Monday so don't expect anything until then. But, when I get back, expect a real good chapter(:

This story has over 4,000 reads! How cool is that?! I love everyone and anyone who reads this, thank you for your support.

Love Always,


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