Chapter 34

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"Hook or me this time"

She was falling, falling, falling, and then suddenly...she wasn't.

Her eyes were still closed as she lay limp from the sudden impact.

Her hair whipped violently in her face and she realized that she could feel it...she could feel everything. Suddenly aware, her eyes shot open.

"Peter!" She squealed as she threw her arms around his neck. He was holding her bridle-style as he flew through the air with intense speed, "you saved me," she said as she buried her face against his chest to keep the wind from lashing her harshly.

He looked down and smiled her, "Of course I did. That's what heroes do, they save the damsel right on time."

"It would have been nice if you came a little sooner. You could have saved me some trouble."

"Ah, but where is the fun in that?" He smirked playfully as he landed with a soft thud.

"Why are we at the home?" Molly asked, "We need to fight!"

"I need to fight," he said as he opened one of the entrances to the home and glided softly down the stairs, "you need to rest."

She self-consciously put her hand to her side. She was still bleeding. "I'm fine," she lied, "really, I am. It's just a small wound, I can fight!"

Peter laid her on one of the boys beds. "You would slow us down-no offense-you need to rest. I'll be back soon."

"Do you promise?" She winced as pain surged throughout her weakening body.

"I promise. And Pan never breaks a promise." He crossed his heart, and then in a flash, was out of the home under the ground.

While he was still in the air above the Battlefield, Peter counted the men; 52 more pirates, 1 more Captain, 1 Chief, 1 Tiger Lily, 37 more-36 more Indians, and there were still 5 Lost Boys. At the moment, Good was losing but, they wouldn't be for long.

"Good afternoon, Captain Codfish!" Peter crowed as he flew circles around the dumbfounded Captain.

"Peter! Wh-what- you-you're-"

"-supposed to be dead?" He finished for her as he landed gracefully, "I know! You cannot kill me, Captain! I have fought hand to hand with Death and I have triumphed over him! You cannot kill The Spirit of Youth!"

"You arrogant boy, we'll see about that." She grimaced as she pointed her sword at him, challenging him.

Accepting her challenge, he drew his dagger, "Have at thee!" he pounced, soaring clear above her head, stealing her hat, and ripping it to threads.

"Peter Pan," she scolded, "this is not fair! I cannot fly! Of all people I thought you would understand playing by the rules."

"You have tricked me once, and I will not be tricked again!" He yelled, stamping his foot in the air as if he were on the ground. He swooped down, swinging his dagger to and fro. The Captain guarded herself and made her own jab at him, landing a lucky blow to his shoulder.

"Agh!" He cried.

"You must learn not to be so arrogant and foolish!" She scolded him once more, making him furious.

"You are not my mother!" He yelled at her, "You cannot tell me what to do!"

"You should not yell at your elders, young Peter."

"Stop telling me what to do!" He swooped down to stab her but she ducked and swerved to miss him. Suddenly, he couldn't fly, he was stuck. He tried to force himself forward but he was stuck in place. He looked back and saw that the Captain was holding him by his shadow. She took her sword and removed the shadow from Peter. She folded it up gently, and placed it inside of her overcoat.

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