Chapter 17

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“Dear Dad,

I’ve gone to Neverland with Peter. I know that you didn’t want me too but it simply had to be done. He needs me there with him. It’s what Mom would have wanted me to do. I don’t expect to be coming home any time soon so please don’t wait up. Don’t worry about me; Peter will take good care of me. I’ll love you always.



P.S. I’m sorry that I drugged you.”

Mr. Hart recited the letter that he had found on Molly’s bed that morning to the chief of police.

“So, you’re trying to tell me that your daughter has been abducted by a fairy tale character?” he said looking up from under his bushy eyebrows.

“I-I guess that’s how it sounds, sir, but I assure you-“

“Mr. Hart, you know very well that this department has a very low tolerance for pranks. And of all people, I never expected you to come in here and expose me to such tom-foolery.”

“Chief-sir, I have apologized about that incident a million times. I vowed never to do something like that again-”

The Chief sub consciously touched his face where there rested a rough, circular scar below his blinded eye. “I would advice that you get out of my office, James. I have more important business that needs to be taken care of; I don’t have time for this.”

“More important than my daughter being kidnapped?” he asked, raising his voice, “You seem to have forgotten who I am-”

“Who you were may I mind you. You were fired years ago and since then you have been up to nothing but trouble. How do you expect me to believe you?” The Chief said, standing up from his seat and raising his voice louder with every word.

 “That was all a huge misunderstanding and you know that.” Mr. Hart said, lowering his voice again, “Officer, I would never lie about my daughter being kidnapped.”

“James, there are a lot of things that you said you would never do. Now please leave before I’m forced to call security.” Chief said, sitting down again and gathering himself.

Mr. Hart’s shoulders lowered as he walked out of the chief’s office.

“Hey, Hart,” one officer called.

Mr. Hart looked over to the broad shouldered man who was across the room.

“I believe you,” he started off sincerely, and Mr. Hart’s face lit up, “Just last week my son was kidnapped by Dumbo.”

At the remark, the broad shouldered man burst into laughter, as did his companions who stood by him.

One companion said, “And my son was kidnapped by the Easter Bunny!”

They laughed even louder. A third one said, “And my nephew was kidnapped by Dumbo!”

The first officer slapped the third one up-side the head, “I just said that you idiot!” then he turned to Mr. Hart again, “You keep it up and they’re gonna lock you up in the loo-loo bin!”

The crowd started to laugh and snicker again.

Mr. Hart scowled, and then continued walking out of the building.

He broke through the doors of the old building and went to his car. Did his story really seem that outrageous? He had never, would never, make up such a story about his own daughter.

He climbed into his car and headed across town, over to a local diner to grab some lunch and to think over the whole situation.

The Main Street Diner was a cozy little place decorated the same way it was in the 50s when it was opened. It had the same waitresses from back then too, he had always joked. Mr. Hart opened the door and bells jingled. Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry was playing over the old jukebox as he took a seat at one of the red and white striped booths. A woman, probably in her early 60s walked over to his table and took his order.

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