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Rochelle's short curly red hair is pulled back away from her face and the gold pins that keep the flyways from drifting in front of her eyes reflect from the lighting overhead. It is the 'morning' after 'sleeping' in my own bed. I must say, Linda sleeps soundlessly, Sidney cries softly in her sleep, and Rochelle was in and out of consciousness all night. As for me...I couldn't sleep.

I am too afraid to relax for more than a second. Yes, the only upside to being held in that Plexiglas cell, is that I could hear easily when Aohdan entered or exited the room. It is a very odd feeling, not knowing when someone could find their way into the female slaves' room. The creepiest thought, having one of those disgusting creatures watch any of us while we were asleep.

"-really what's important is to make sure there are no smudges when you're finished," Rochelle's voice unblocks itself from my thoughts, my eyelids fluttering open and close a couple of times. I turn to my side, the rag and spray bottle in Rochelle's hands are suddenly shoved into mine.

I'm cleaning all the bathroom mirrors, because apparently doing anything else is much too difficult for someone who has never cleaned before.

"Every. Single. Bathroom mirror?" I question, my cobalt blue eyes shifting around the room to draw in the depth of how large his estate is. There has to be well over fifteen, maybe more. Who needs that many bathrooms? Apparently this guy.

"Oh yes!" She nods with a small smile, her clear blues eyes holding a light in them as she states, "Once I check your work, then I can show you how to clean the bathrooms properly in their entirety."

Fuck my life.

"That sounds just fantastic," the tone in my voice does not go unnoticed.

Rochelle moves away from the granite counter top of one of the main floor bathrooms we are in. Her eyes hold pity for a moment before they shift to a slight irritation. "Just learn to say yes, it'll be easier for you that way."

"Are you kidding me?" My blood boils while my body goes into a rage. I place the spray bottle on the counter top along with the rag, my eyes locking onto her now small shaking frame. Any courage she has, dissolves away. "Just say yes...that's ridiculous. If they told you to go jump off a cliff, would you just say yes and do as you're told?" I arch a brow at her, Rochelle bringing her fingertips in front of her chin, her hands eventually covering her mouth like I just committed a crime.

"I-I-" Rochelle is at a loss for words, her eyes filling with unshed tears.

Breathing in and trying to reign in that temper of mine, I relax my muscles and take a step back. Rochelle chokes on a small sob before in taking her own breath. "I'm sorry," I mutter, reaching for the spray bottle and rag. Turning back to her I say, "I'm never going to change. I know he wants you to teach me how to be submissive and obedient. That's quite frankly never going to happen."

"They always say that," Rochelle whispers softly, bring her hands away from her mouth. She holds them together in front of her waist, turning her head away from me and casting her eyes to the ground. "If you don't willingly do as he says, Master will force you. Either way, you'll end up getting hurt, and I don't think I could watch you break down."

"Awe, you like me," I elbow her upper arm and she pushes me away. That smile of hers creeps onto her lips as her cheeks turn a slight shade of red. She furiously shakes her head and I just laugh at her, trying not to cry.

Rochelle clears her throat and checks to make sure her hair is all set in its place. When her hands fall back down to her sides she says, "Yes, I like you. You're strong and seem like a very kind person who really does want the best for everyone...even if that means risking your own freedom."

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