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I never could have imagined that Marc would ever treat me as an equal...but I was wrong. Sure, there were times when his alpha male role shone through and I did come to respect him because he never did treat me like the way he did when we first encountered each other.

I quite enjoyed spending time with him, the temperature in the air slowly increasing as the summer months quickly approached us. The coolness of the lake water relieved me of this hot weather that the month of July brought, spending my time popping up from the water's surface and laying on my back as I gazed up at the moving clouds.

It was exactly one of those perfect days...however, there was one thing that I was forbidden to do...

...spend the night at Marc's.

Cormac made it clear the night I came back to the estate after first learning of Marc's hidden location, that I'd never be allowed to spend a night away from the estate. When I questioned him, prodding to see if this was just jealousy or a warranted reason, he'd told me that questions would arise about my whereabouts. I was too quick and fired my mouth off at him stating that if I just pretended to stayed in his room, there wouldn't be any questions.

Cormac had simply smirked at the idea and when he asked me what I wanted, I flat out told him my wolf-boy homie over there was building more brownie points then Cormac could ever imagine and more than likely, about ready to cash them in.

My answer to his question?

Anything but you.

He'd hurt me emotionally, even though he was doing it with a purpose to make me stronger in the future...that's all that it is though, the future. What about the here and the now when I needed his support instead of playing mind games with me and continuously flaunting Missy right before my very eyes.

Again, I would ask if he was sleeping with her.

Cormac would shake his head and tell me that I don't trust him.

I NEVER get a clear-cut precious answer with him, just shady words that I am supposed to trust without batting an eye.

At the very moment though...how can I be angry?

Laying on my back, the lake water keeping me afloat, I notice a hazy figure walking to the edge of the lake. I fully open my half drowsy eyelids and catch Marc's form out of the corner of my eye. He makes me feel safe, his protectiveness surrounding me like a warm cocoon. He's shirtless, the dark swim trunks he wears is the only clothing covering his defined muscular body.

Being around him more exclusively has shown me that the pull that inevitably drew me closer to Cormac was weaving its way between Marc and I. Unlike how unprepared I was, it didn't frighten me to dive head first this time.

I close my eyelids once more, the sun kissing my skin from above while I hear Marc slide himself into the lake. It's been about two or so minutes that pass when I start to wonder where he's gone.

Did he decide to get back out?

Had he forgotten something?

Furrowing my brows, I slowly sit up in the lake, glancing around while from my shoulders up I am out of the water, the ripples sloshing against my skin. I've spun around a few times now, Marc nowhere in sight, the rest of the forest out in the distance remaining quiet.

Where did he-

In the next second, something wraps around my thighs and I am pulled downward, completely submerged under the lake's surface. I never had time to scream let alone take in a deep breath, my weak attempts to punch below me were restrained by the water itself, unable to fully land any type of blow.

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