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"You think you're clever," Dante's emerald eyes cast that golden glint reflecting from the sunlight overhead, standing from the bench as I turn around, my hands still balled up against my thighs, "but you're not."

There's something dangerous harboring in those depths as he takes a step toward me and I instinctively retreat one. He's far quicker then I, inhaling sharply when he's barely leaving an inch of space between us. However, his fingers capture my chin, lifting my gaze to meet with his and that eerie feeling settles within me again.

What the hell is going on?

Dante's smirk cause me to grow uneasy, the palms of my hands becoming sweaty as I try to control my frightened heartbeat.

"You think you know how to play games," his breath fans my face, the top layer of my skin breaking out in goosebumps while he narrows his eyes, "but you don't."

When I attempt to pull out of his grasp, I find my strength isn't on par with his own, wincing when his grip tightens. He turns my head, analyzing me with hawk eyes before he brings me center, my heart skipping a beat at the way he observes me.

"You're far from being dangerous and powerful, something you will learn you need to harness before the winter solstice," his hold starts to hurt now, my arms lifting while my hands wrap around his wrist, straining to pull away from him. He looms over me, watching as my struggle becomes useless and he notes, "or this plan that you are so deeply intertwined in will be your death."

"Let go of me," I'm grimacing in pain, feeling as though the bones in my jaw just might give way and shatter at any second.

Dante lets out a very amused chuckle while making me feel worse, "Do you think Arthur will let you go?"

"I never said he would," I hate the feeling coming from our contact, it's throwing my mind through a loop and making it hard to think clearly.

"For all to see, you look like a vampire dear Rose," Dante forces my mouth open by shifting his hold on my jaw, my fangs on full display for him as anger rises up within me. Naturally now, I feel the shift in my eyes, knowing I'm glowering at him with bloody red irises and he just stares back at me with amusement. After a moment or two he orders, "Hide yourself from me."

I hiss at him, "You're a piece of shit! Expecting me to know how to is beyond me," his grip tightens further and I cry out, "you're hurting me!"

"Good," he rolls his eyes sarcastically and returns, "because I should be the very last individual who does. You've already been through everything that should have broken you, frightened you, or killed you. Guess what? You're still standing here, someone with so much potential that needs a nudge in the right direction."

Instead of remaining angry at him for how he is treating me or the way he shot me down in regards to information on Laisha, I relax and try to allow my anger to subside. Taking even breaths and pushing him out of my mind, I know my eyes have returned to normal, staring at him and simply asking, "What do I do?"

"What makes you human?" He asks, my hands on his wrists slacking as I allow them to fall to my sides. I don't fight him, thinking about what he asks me and slowly...I begin to remember the past five years of being on my own when my mother died.

Slowly, I begin softly, "I care about the human race. I care what happens to them. I care about their lives and where they will go and how so many have ended in death for just simply being human and not conforming. I care about the future that might exist in a world where we're not separated by our difference, but they bring us closer together, uniting us all."

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