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"You've got to be shitting me..." my voice trails off, the realization that Dante really is a hybrid settling in now seeing him staring at me intently in his wolf form. Many questions that I want to ask him, are cut short by the sound of growling coming from the trees, the distance closing in very quickly.

Remember this warning Rose, your mates will be the death of you.

As he turns around, his hind legs pressing down hard against the forest floor as he is readying himself to take off, I quickly state, "Then why are you still alive?"

His golden eyes flash back to capture my gaze over his shoulder. Surely, if mine will be the death of me, if he's unlocked his dormant genes and become a fully fledged hybrid...wouldn't his own mates have been the death of him?

My heart stops in my chest as his words slip clearly through my mind...

Mine are dead. Jealous is a bitter mistress that consumes even the most stable relationships...now throw three people into one and see how quickly everything shatters around you when paranoia sets in.

"How did they die-" before I can question him further, Dante leaves the area while I take a step forward, wishing that I could have known how his mates died. Was he like Richard? Did Dante kill one of his mates...or...

A feeling of dread runs down my spine...

...did he kill them both?

If so, why? Is jealousy really that consuming?

The growling cuts the silence that Dante left behind, Marc's large black wolf coming into the forest area I'm sheltered in. His golden eyes first search me, looking me up and down before coming closer, his muzzle sniffing my clothing. I'm still lost in my thoughts when Marc's wolf starts to pad away from me while circling the surrounding area, dark and low growls emitting from the back of his throat.

When I snap from my thoughts, I gently say to him, "It's alright, I'm not in any danger."

Somehow, he doesn't agree with me and a snippy high pitch bark comes from his mouth, motioning with his head for me to follow him. A sigh leaves my lips, beginning to follow behind him as he makes his way back through the forest from where we came from, all the while his senses are on high alert.

It must be a territorial thing...

I wonder if he really can smell Dante's scent? I don't want him to think I was being threatened or in danger...however, I'm still trying to understand if my life is at risk, or whether there's a new player in this game trying to set up his own moves. Only time will tell at this point.

We edge from the forest a few minutes later, walking right by where Marc and I had dropped out towels on the grass and also where his swim trunks lay. Gathering the fabric in my arms, we continue walking around the edge of the lake, the sun falling slowly down to the top of the tree line surrounding the secluded area. As we walk, I absentmindedly ask, "Why is everything so complicated?"

Marc's wolf whines at the way my voice falls, almost like a deep sadness has taken up residence within my chest. I reassure him and say, "Don't worry about me, I'm just overwhelmed with everything. Decisions seem to be harder to make now then in my entire life and I just don't want to make a mistake and select the wrong one..."

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